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PostSubject: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2013, 10:03 pm

This map includes East Lynn and Bergoo.  Bergoo tracks courtesy of Mike Shaw.

Major Changes to WV ATV Trails 2013

BobT, Sept 7, 2013

When installing please read color coding scheme


  • Now includes 356 waypoints including 35 Lodging waypoints, 23 eating establishments, 32 gas stations, and 83 directional sign post.

  • Consist of 715 individual tracks and over 2,000 miles of trails

  • Tracks and intersection accuracy was improved for all trails using various satellite imagery and Google Earth.

  • Added East Lynn Trails, color coded and named.  Color coding is my opinion.

  • Added Bergoo Trails, color coding is subjective since these trails I did not track.

  • Added Hatfield McCoy Ivy Branch Trails, numbered and color coded.

  • Updated/tweaked all Hatfield McCoy Trail Systems.

  • Changed background color to pure white for better printing using Basecamp and plotters.


Outlaw Trails

  • Several trails added East of Herndon.

  • Several small tweaks made to various trails.

  • Added special color coded trail “HMIR-27 to Stair Steps”.

  • Added special color coding for “9-mile Creek By-Pass” going to Welch.

  • Includes 7 special color coded trails between popular destinations.


Hatfield McCoy 

  • Most trails were ridden in Spring and Summer of 2013 and updated to current status.

  • HMPO – added alternated Trail Entrance from Bramwell. (much easier)

  • HMIB – ridden and tracked in March and August with several GPSr’s.

  • HMIR - updated trail 19, connector to Stair Steps has special color coding.

  • HMPC - Trail 22 added.

  • HMBW - new Logan connector added, left recently removed trail 10 on map.

  • HMLCR - updated to latest map added back trails 57, 64, 65, 14.


Burning Rock –  A very nice trail system, takes 2 days to ride.  Highly recommend.

  • Ridden in June and July, under new management and trails are being added/deleted/changed constantly.  Several changes between June and July.

  • Added trails 99, 30, 59, 48.

  • New configuration of trail 2 to trail head from other side of Hwy-16.

  • Reflects new trail 67 configuration.


East Lynn – ridden and tracked in spring and summer of 2013.  Some trails are blocked due to tornado damage.  Shows parking areas and two gas stations.  Color coding is fairly accurate.


Bergoo – this is one system that I have not ridden.  Got tracks from someone else so color coding is very subjective.

Link to Download
WV ATV Trails 2013

Last edited by BobT on September 7th 2013, 11:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2013, 10:05 pm

Good Post
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Number of posts : 282
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2013, 11:06 pm

Thanks again BobT. Your maps are a huge help.thumbs up
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Number of posts : 293
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2013, 11:11 pm

I have posted a lot of verbage but it does not show up with the black background.  It was a cut and paste.  I change the text to white and it shows up until I sign out.  If any moderator knows how to fix this please do.  I have seen this before on this forum where text is very hard to read.

I might have fixed it, changed font to red.
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 7th 2013, 11:26 pm

Thanks for the help
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Number of posts : 1623
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2013, 6:59 am

Thank you, Bob, and all others who helped! I use your maps every ride.
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Rick S

Rick S

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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2013, 9:31 am

Thanks for sharing
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Randy R

Randy R

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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2013, 9:34 am

If you have not seen these maps you don't know what you are missing.  Great maps.
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pit dog

pit dog

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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 8th 2013, 1:21 pm

Thanks for sharing
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Number of posts : 12045
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2013, 7:34 am

Thanks for the info
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Number of posts : 193
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 9th 2013, 1:09 pm

Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map 140176 Thanks for sharing
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2013, 1:37 pm

The download now includes the original GPS tracks for those who want to view them on their PC with a TOPO in the background.  For not Garmin users you can convert them to .gpx.
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2013, 2:26 pm

Bob know his stuff. I gave him corrupted files and he was still able to fix them and use them. Me being a newbie gave him junk and he was still able to us it and he has been patient and answered every question I have had. I have still not been able to view the maps he made or download them and check them, Bergoo, but I'm sure he did a great job. Hope to check it out on the GPS Oct 5th. Thanks Bob!
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Number of posts : 96
Location : Bramwelll , WV
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2013, 2:46 pm

BobT , your maps are awesome and have taken my resort guests to places I didnt know shortcuts for. Thank you buddy !!
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 10th 2013, 5:02 pm

What is the best GPS unit to view these maps on for use in a SXS?
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Number of posts : 293
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2013, 6:21 pm

You should ask the other SxS guy's but my opinion is a cheap Nuvi with the biggest screen you can get.  You don't need one with all the bells and whistles.  To see if you like one just borrow one from somebody.
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T Wood

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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2013, 8:58 pm

Thanks for sharing
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeSeptember 11th 2013, 8:58 pm

The older Nuvi 500 is what I was interested in before...maybe I will try looking for something alone those lines again. Thanks.
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Randy R

Randy R

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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2013, 11:11 pm

Finally am downloading this... 

Still the best maps in WV!
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Number of posts : 2
Location : Charlotte
Registration date : 2011-02-12

Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeNovember 18th 2013, 11:52 pm

Randy R wrote:
Finally am downloading this... 

Still the best maps in WV!
What do you need those maps for?  The trails you ride aint on no maps.....yet!hey
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Randy R

Randy R

Number of posts : 775
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Registration date : 2009-02-14

Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2013, 12:27 am

BobT was supposed to upload it for me but no cable.  Had to do it myself on a prehistoric old computer I have mapsource on.  I need some computer friends that can do this stuff for me.  I gotta find someone that works for a real computer company like Dell or IBM.

PieEye -- what a fugged up name.  I'm just glad you follow me down those trails. hahahahaha

Now gotta work on getting some more fender flares....
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Number of posts : 2
Location : Charlotte
Registration date : 2011-02-12

Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2013, 12:45 am

Randy R wrote:
BobT was supposed to upload it for me but no cable.  Had to do it myself on a prehistoric old computer I have mapsource on.  I need some computer friends that can do this stuff for me.  I gotta find someone that works for a real computer company like Dell or IBM.

PieEye -- what a fugged up name.  I'm just glad you follow me down those trails. hahahahaha

Now gotta work on getting some more fender flares....
Check with Allen on the flares.  He got some for his S from the 20 gallon fender flare company that looked pretty good!
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Randy R

Randy R

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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeNovember 19th 2013, 12:55 am

I heard about the bucket flares.  Smart!
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 10:16 am

You can't load tracks onto a Nuvi, so I don't really see the point of loading the maps onto a Nuvi.  A map with no tracks is useless.  You can only add tracks to handheld portable units.  I just orderd a Garmin Etrex 20.  Hopefully this one will do the trick.  Bob has been a huge help and has the patience of Job to help you out if you have any questions.
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Number of posts : 1623
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 10:33 am

I have Bob's maps on my nuvi 500 it's great to see where each trail goes before I take it. I also have a 60csx if I want to track my trip.
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Number of posts : 952
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 10:57 am

Yeah I use it with my nuvi 2555 to see where I want to go, I do wish it would track but I've learned to live with it.
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
Registration date : 2010-05-21

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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 11:21 am

I may have misunderstood.  Maybe since the map was made FROM the tracks, it will still show on a Nuvi.  But you just can't load individual tracks and try to navigate with them.  I will find out this weekend.  Trying out the newly added Bergoo map on the WV ATV Trails map.  I will have a handheld too, so should be good either way.
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 11:54 am

I see to recall that all of the different tracts that BobT recorded were placed on a single map but I may be remembering that wrong. I know I have BobT's maps loaded on my Nexus 7 but have not used them yet. I have been adding/recording my own tracks from recent rides just to get use to the program.
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 2:05 pm

My map is a vector image of all my tracks.  They are not individual tracks.  It is a transparent overlay meaning that it will show up on top of any other map you have selected.  You can record tracks on top of it and your breadcrumbs will show.
It will work on any Garmin GPS including Nuvi's.  Nuvi's will track if you have it turned on, you will see the breadcrumb trail on top of whatever maps you have turned on.  You can get your track off of a Nuvi by plugging it into your computer and look at it just like a memory stick.  There will be a directory called "GPX" under the "Garmin" directory.  Just copy the .gpx files to your computer and you can look at them with either Basecamp or Mapsource.  You can put tracks onto the Nuvi in the reverse order above.  However it will do no good since Nuvi's do not have a "Track Manager" that will allow you to select them.
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Number of posts : 1623
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PostSubject: Re: Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map   Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map Icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2014, 2:21 pm

Good information, Bob, thanks! I bought my nuvi 500 off ebay a few years ago for $100 and put your maps on it, I didn't know about the tracking since I seldom look at my tracks anymore. I am more interested in knowing where I am than where I been :)
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Released new "WV ATV Trails 2013" map
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