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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide190
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide194
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide195
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide197
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide221
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide229
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide253
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide256
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide258
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide280
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide287
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide293
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide299
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide305
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide315
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat SpringRider10007
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat SpringRider10055
Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide119
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:07 pm

Ugly if you ask me
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:10 pm

I was about to post it as Purns and Bobbys new machine!   IT is ugly as crap but funny.  lol!
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:17 pm

7500 bucks? Woa!   That thing is like the smart car of side by sides
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:18 pm

I guess you can give them credit for trying something new.
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Randy R

Randy R

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:19 pm

Honda Odyssey's were the bomb in the 80's.  Center seat is most fun.  Get rid of that awful roll cage and build a better looking one and add 30 more hp and it will be a blast.

I wanna drive one...
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:20 pm

Wow didn't notice that. They'll probably sell some for that price to people who have been on the fence of giving up their quad for a SxS. Kind of a quad/SxS hybrid
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:24 pm

Ill give them credit for something new but I don't think thats the answer. If I pulled up to ride that dang thing EVERY single one of u guys would make fun of me even worse than u do now! I would rather pay a thousand more and get a 2 seater. It looks like a rolling easter egg

If I get that machine I will have to leave my man card at home.  LMAO
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Randy R

Randy R

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:28 pm

Lower the seat.  Add more clearance.  Put 1000cc in it.  Put a real roll cage with some doors and toss on the 20" wheels from the XP 1000.

That would be cool in a center seater.  Make fun all you want but that thing would be a rocket you could not catch.
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:33 pm

1000cc? That thing would be a death trap. Someone will put that in it but the first person that drinks and gets in it better be saying their prayers
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:38 pm

Their  saying it's around 300cc. Why wouldn't they at least use the biggest sportsman engine they have. If you read the article on utv underground it sounds like their going for the entry level rider. Maybe their going to see how this goes then come out with something with a bigger motor later down the road.
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:41 pm

Cale wrote:
Their  saying it's around 300cc. Why wouldn't they at least use the biggest sportsman engine they have. If you read the article on utv underground it sounds like their going for the entry level rider. Maybe their going to see how this goes then come out with something with a bigger motor later down the road.

yea when I started looking at numbers, I was shocked to see it was 7500 bucks. I thought it would be around 5 grand. Then the 300cc motor. I was thinking the same Cale. Figured it would have a big sportsman motor in it.

It would look good if it had the things randy said above. I figure they don't want power because of stability. I bet that sucker is not as stable as our machines.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 1:51 pm

Looks weird
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 2:06 pm

I'm going to have to wait and see how many "Tbone Stars" it gets!  ROFL  ROFL
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 2:08 pm

Right now it gets a 1.  It would of been cooler if they made an all new body with it instead of just making it out of atv parts.
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 2:15 pm

I will be interesting to see what it becomes in 4-5 years. Bigger motor, lower COG, more suspension.....
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Number of posts : 1623
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 3:36 pm

Polaris leads on trying stuff, I will give them that. It has 570 parts, same engine just detuned to 32 hp, not sure what cc it is. They will sell these in the real world for less 7k.
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Number of posts : 6335
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 4:07 pm

So that's why Bobby D'S  ride is on Ebay....GITCHY WUN BobbyD!!!!!!!!!!
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 4:09 pm

Hey watch out. That little thing is the Ray Ray edition!!! Polaris was thinking of u buddy!  ROFL ROFL 
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Number of posts : 193
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 6:00 pm

Thought it was joke at first.
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big g

big g

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 6:32 pm

T-bone that is u buddy can Bobby d ride on the rack
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T Wood

Number of posts : 1313
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 7:53 pm

The SXS market is really getting interesting. What will they come out with next?
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Number of posts : 952
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 7:58 pm

Here's a good article on what it was designed for.
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Number of posts : 2119
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 8:13 pm

Clown car? I'd have to drive one before I started hollering for more power. The power to weight ratio may already be good. Did someone already cite the ground clearance a travel?
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 8:22 pm

Cale wrote:
Here's a good article on what it was designed for.

It was designed for Ray Ray. That's exactly who it's for. Probably could see jimboob in one of those too.
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Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Empty
PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 8:34 pm

Look out Polaris! Fisher Price will have you in court with a law suit for copying thier pedal controled Kidde car!! that thing is fugly!!!!
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Number of posts : 1623
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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 8:53 pm

Yotehunter66 wrote:
Clown car? I'd have to drive one before I started hollering for more power. The power to weight ratio may already be good. Did someone already cite the ground clearance a travel?
similar specs as the 570, it shares drive train components with it
10" gc
9" travel
RZR-570 is 1059 lbs with 45hp = 23.5 lbs per hp.
ACE is 835 lbs with 32hp = 26.1 lbs per hp.
top speed is around 50 mph
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Number of posts : 147
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Registration date : 2012-09-12

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 9:23 pm

Might be a good step for a kid graduating from a rzr 170.  Other than that I don't know who would want one.
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pit dog

pit dog

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 9:43 pm

There are a lot of people that don't have 20,000. Would put you in the woods cheap.
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Rick S

Rick S

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 10:23 pm

I would pay 3000 more and get a two seater like 50 inch machine
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big g

big g

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PostSubject: Re: Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat   Introducing the new Polaris Ace single seat Icon_minitimeJanuary 22nd 2014, 10:51 pm

Wildcat1 wrote:
Look out Polaris! Fisher Price will have you in court with a law suit for copying thier pedal controled Kidde car!! that thing is fugly!!!!
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