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WV Hot Rod Rhino
Randy R
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New 144hp rzr Empty
PostSubject: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 5:28 pm

New rzr coming out is going to be 144hp turbo.

Next step down will be a 100 hp motor non turbo.

I have a pic but on phone and cannot upload. Will upload later.

Polaris is now back on top of the hp war
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Number of posts : 1623
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 6:35 pm

that's a big drop to the next hp, what happened to the 110 hp XP1K?
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 8:28 pm

From what I saw there is still the 110 horse rzr 1000. But there also is a 100 horse 1000 engine for something in the lineup
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 8:46 pm

sprint8 wrote:
From what I saw there is still the 110 horse rzr 1000. But there also is a 100 horse 1000 engine for something in the lineup
I have heard a 100 hp version of the Ranger mentioned
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 9:35 pm

1 day, 15 hrs we will all know the truth, that is when the 2017 reveal is
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 10:43 pm

The reg rzr 1000 will be 110hp.
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 10:46 pm

New 144hp rzr Image12
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2015, 11:10 pm

FAKE, FAKE, FAKE...  Tbone, don't let the secrets out early, no one will be surprised... dmn, you have been in this hobby long enough to know that... DUH

O, did I say that outloud
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2015, 6:31 pm

Great for duning but dangerous in the wrong hands in the woods and mountains.
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Randy R

Randy R

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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2015, 12:00 am

Turbo charging is cheating.  Why stop at 144hp.  Only way a turbo would work in WV is put the turbo up high so no way could it be in mud or water.

I did get a chuckle out of the word reliability.  Not a word I associate with Polaris.
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WV Hot Rod Rhino
WV Hot Rod Rhino

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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2015, 11:15 am

i spanked xp 900s in the woods all weekend with a wolvy.. Hater IJS
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2015, 3:37 pm

WOW ------
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WV Hot Rod Rhino
WV Hot Rod Rhino

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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2015, 3:41 pm

you know.. no matter what tboner gets he cant leave me with 40hp......is it the driver ROFL Yahoo!
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2015, 6:39 pm

lol! New 144hp rzr 495894
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Randy R

Randy R

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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 27th 2015, 9:00 pm

I agree the driver makes 95% of the difference.  If you were outrunning XP900s with a Wolv then there was a 900 with a granny behind the wheel.

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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 8:49 am

turbo, mud editions, 900 Ace...... nice
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 12:55 pm

If speed is what your after, it looks like the new RZR 1000S is actually faster than the new Turbo XP.....for $7K less money. But you all are right. For where we ride, all of this is overkill in the power department. Hell I ride some of the most wide open trails in WV, and I can't stay in the pedal of my Applause 100 HP Maverick for more than 10 seconds.
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 2:44 pm

T-BONE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT SPEED IS HE HAS NO BALLS. New 144hp rzr 495894 dynwim New 144hp rzr 335288 New 144hp rzr 924720
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 6:09 pm

WV Hot Rod Rhino wrote:
you know.. no matter what tboner gets he cant leave me with 40hp......is it the driver ROFL Yahoo!
I'll bust ur azz with a wildcat!  Big Laugh
Easy as pie!

U couldn't keep up with my commander so i def know u can't keep up with the jagged. 
you need to outrun a wildcat before you can graduate to the big boys. New 144hp rzr 495894Big Laugh   The pissy pussy posse will smoke you:stir pot:
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WV Hot Rod Rhino
WV Hot Rod Rhino

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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 6:46 pm

New 144hp rzr 181578
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 28th 2015, 6:50 pm

WV Hot Rod Rhino wrote:
New 144hp rzr 181578
New 144hp rzr 495894 New 144hp rzr 921734 Wink New 144hp rzr 670775
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2015, 6:44 am

So at 144 hp how long will the bushings last? IJS
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2015, 7:35 am

slam ya a set of garage products bushings in there and you're good for  thousands of miles!
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2015, 10:19 am

The only time you can use this much power , is on the dunes somewhere.
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big g

big g

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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitimeAugust 2nd 2015, 12:55 pm

To  much power for WVA
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PostSubject: Re: New 144hp rzr   New 144hp rzr Icon_minitime

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New 144hp rzr
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