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 Double vs single axel

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Roger cantly
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PostSubject: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2016, 11:03 am

I want everyone's opinion on a trailer for a RZR. I see a lot of people with a 14 foot trailer. Some I see have a single axel. Some I see have a double axel.
What are the pros and cons of having a double axel trailer in this 14 foot only application? Does the double axel tow better down the road?
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rzr rick

rzr rick

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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2016, 12:55 pm

I haul my 1k xp in a 2 axle enclosed 14ft. In my opinion the 2 axle pulls better at highway speeds and is easier to back up. I spent 20 years driving a tractor trailer.
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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2016, 1:13 pm

You double the stuff to buy, but you are spreading the load out over 4 tires and wheel bearings instead of 2, and that's a real good thing at faster speeds when heat is building up.  If all you are going to haul is one rzr, a single axle will be fine, but 2 you are good for a whole lot more weight.  Also, if you get a flat tire with a tandem, you can pull the wheel and ratchet strap the end of the axle up real good and go on down the road on three wheels if need be.  I guess it's a fine line as to what you would want.  My 6 1/2 x 12 open trailer is great with a single axle.  It's not very heavy at all and feels great going down the road with the rhino on it.  My 14' enclosed is a tandem axle.  They make them with a single axle, and I couldn't imagine how bad that would suck with just the rhino in it, because it feels like it's pretty heavy in sharp turns or in wind.  Most tandem axle trailers have brakes, and that makes it real nice when you get a bigger load on it.
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big g

big g

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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2016, 6:23 pm

a double is the way to go at highway speeds if u have a flat u will wish u had a double
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rzr rick

rzr rick

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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2016, 9:26 pm

When I got my enclosed trailer I had a 800s my xp is a tight fit. I would get a 16ft if I had to do it again. I also have a 26ft open trailer that I use to haul more than 1 rzr. Its nice to have brakes also
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Roger cantly

Roger cantly

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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 19th 2016, 10:00 pm

I have a single, 6x 14. Use it for just about everything. Never any problems!
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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 20th 2016, 8:49 am

been pushing a truck for years ,would have nothing but a double,there is no sway or very little at high speeds an when a tractor trailer passes you .and what every body else said good . Yahoo!
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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2016, 8:05 am

my 12' trailer is a single axle and I am ready to upgrade myself. Wanting to go to a 14' minimum double axle. Double axle tralers pull better at highway speeds and not much sway to them.
Just my 2 cents worth
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Randy R

Randy R

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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 21st 2016, 10:35 pm

Only advantages to double axle in my opinion is most have brakes and it's harder to overload a double axle.  Overload a single axle and it will bend the axle and then wear tires on inside tread (facing trailer).

Sway is not an issue if you have plenty of tongue weight.  I have a 14' single axle and pull my rzr up 1' before front rail.  Tows perfect with no sway at all.
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My 800

My 800

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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2016, 12:12 am

My reason for liking the single axle trailer is completely different.  I live in a yard with grass that has to be cut on a regular schedule.  The single axle trailer, I can grab it and roll it over 10 feet and mow that grass.  With the dual axle trailer, I have to hook something to it to move it every time it is moved.

I figured no more weight than I am hauling, I will keep the bearings and tires in top condition and settle for the single axle.  Maybe one day I will have a dedicated cement drive to park the trailer on or in a garage and my reasoning will probably change.

As for pulling, the single axle is always a gamble and the dual axles will always be better in a flat situation.  No jack needed, just pull up on cribbing and change the tire and on the road again...MD
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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2016, 11:01 pm

It really just comes down to weight.  I think my single axle 12' open trailer axle is rated at 3500#. The trailer my weigh around 700-900 pounds.  Add the Rhino at about 1500-1600, and I'm somewhere close to 3000.  I can flat haul ass with that thing curves and all.  I tighten and grease the bearings twice a year, and it's good to go.  A trailer like it, only 2ft longer would be just fine because it wouldn't weigh much more than the 12' one.  In that situation with my load and type of trailer, I would not want the extra axle.  

With my 14' enclosed, there is no way I would want a single axle.  I don't know what it weighs, but I think I read somewhere that is was around 1700.  Even with brakes, I think a single axle in that with just a few things plus the rhino would suck.

Tbone, you are making me think to hard after this many beers.  If you go enclosed, get the extra axle.  If you go with a flat trailer that is built somewhat light, and you are only going to haul your rzr, get a single axle.  If you are going to haul your rzr, but sometimes haul a mini excavator or huge 4x4 lawn tractor, then get the extra axle with brakes.  That extra axle is just more weight to pull down the road if you don't need it, and your power and fuel mileage will suffer a little bit while towing with a 1/2 ton truck.  Don't want to get 10 mpg when you can get 13 and tow the same thing just as good.
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PostSubject: Re: Double vs single axel   Double vs single axel Icon_minitime

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