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Rzr won't start 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide195
Rzr won't start 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide197
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Rzr won't start 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide229
Rzr won't start 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide234
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Rzr won't start 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide258
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Rzr won't start 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide280
Rzr won't start 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide287
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2012, 1:42 pm

A friend of Mayo (billy) bought an 08 rzr from one of our members in Ohio. Jeremy can't get his rzr started. It is getting fuel but no spark. Don't know what to check next. Jeremy n Billy installed a radio n were under the dash but don't of anything that might have been missed. Any n all suggestions would be appreciated. He is scrambling to fix this to make this Memorial Day ride (his first ever in WV). It was running fine before he replaced all plastics so I think something might be disconnected or possibly cut. We r not ruling out ecu but don't know how to check.
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Number of posts : 690
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Location : Mount Hope,Maple Fork Rd,WV.
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 12:10 pm

Try checking and making sure the connection where you plug the E.C.U. is not dirty. Doesn't take much dirt, sand, etc, to cause one to not make proper contact. Does he have access to someone elses known to be good E.C.U.? He could try t out and see if there is a change. Or maybe somehow the E.C.U. lost its programming and needs re-flashed at a dealer. When those E.C.U.s are shipped to dealer brand new, they usually have to have the program installed at the dealer. You have to have your vin number and serial number of the machine in order to get the dealer to re-flash program is for some reason it lost it.
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Registration date : 2009-02-14

Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 12:15 pm

He would have to haul the rzr to the dealer for them to do this so it can be checked to see if it runs afterwards. Digital Wrench is the software polaris uses for programming E.C.U.s
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 12:27 pm

With what little thats been done though, one would think it would be something alot more simple like a ground or as you said, something cut or not making a connection. I do know its important that anytime your doing electrical work or wiring, or changing of electrical components such as an E.C.U., you should always disconnect the battery first so no possible voltage spikes ruin programming on a E.C.U.
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 1:58 pm

What's the cost on having the ecu flashed
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 2:15 pm

Takes about a half hour or so at the dealer. so maybe 30-50 bucks depending on what they charge per hour.
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 2:33 pm

There is another topic on here that i've been communicating on today where the rzr wouldn't start after changing plastics. There are some things on there that i have mentioned that could apply to this rzr also.
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Number of posts : 690
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 2:40 pm

How did you go about checking for fuel? The E.C.U. also tells the injectors when to fire fuel at the proper time in each cylinder and that is also based on crankshaft position sensor and throttle position sensor. Usually a bad E.C.U. will not give spark or fuel.
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Number of posts : 469
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 2:48 pm

Pulled hose of and turned over key and it spit out fuel
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 3:17 pm

That means your pump has power and fuel system is pressurizing but it doesn't necessarily mean the injectors are firing fuel into cylinder. If you found that the injectors were not spraying fuel, as well as no spark i would be more inclined to think E.C.U. was the problem. Is there anyone near you that you could swap out E.C.U. just long enough to see if it fires up?
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Number of posts : 1849
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 4:34 pm

If it was running before , its my guess that noting failed in just changing the body , take the body back off and look for wires pinched or not connected .
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Number of posts : 690
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Location : Mount Hope,Maple Fork Rd,WV.
Registration date : 2009-02-14

Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 4:37 pm

sprinklerhead wrote:
With what little thats been done though, one would think it would be something alot more simple like a ground or as you said, something cut or not making a connection. I do know its important that anytime your doing electrical work or wiring, or changing of electrical components such as an E.C.U., you should always disconnect the battery first so no possible voltage spikes ruin programming on a E.C.U.
Yup, more than likely something simple that happened in the process of body replacement.
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Number of posts : 469
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Registration date : 2011-09-27

Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 6:39 pm

Ok checked all the wires and all are good, also put ecu and crank sensor along with relay on keeters rzr and all worked good
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 6:41 pm

Should there be one wire hot that goes to the coil pack
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 7:09 pm

So it cranked ? which one failed ?
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Number of posts : 469
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 7:21 pm

No it didn't we took the ecu and relay and crank sensor off of Jeremy's rzr and put it on keeters and keeters rzr still cranked so don't know where the problem is
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Number of posts : 1376
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 7:28 pm

Rzr won't start 371404you might want to try changing out the ignition switch since that is a piece involved in plastic changing.
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Number of posts : 469
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Registration date : 2011-09-27

Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 7:36 pm

It's good we also put it on keeters and it worked
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Number of posts : 469
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 7:37 pm

The only thing we didn't try was the speed/cluster
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Number of posts : 580
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 10:28 pm

was working on my rzr one time and it wouldn't start back turned out i fouled the spark plugs some how
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Number of posts : 4683
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2012, 10:35 pm

I would bet it's a pinched wire grounded out at a place where the plastic gets bolted to metal. I would take all plastic back off, and start looking at all wires that are close to the body mounts, and double check all connections. I had a new quad that died on me when I turned on the lights for the 1st time. It had the headlight wires pinched between the plastic and the frame where the fenders bolted up. Shot every fuse in it.

Man this sucks. Hope you guys get it going.
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Number of posts : 933
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 1:06 am

All the fuses were still ok, none blown. We could never get any power to the coil packs either. if it was a pinched wire should be blown fuses. Taking it to World Class in the morning.
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Number of posts : 1954
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 8:19 am

I'm sure you tried something as simple as the brake sensor, if it is not making up, it will show you have power, but still not start... and you can only hope it is something that simple....

Good Luck
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Number of posts : 469
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Registration date : 2011-09-27

Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 8:23 am

It turns over just not getting fire
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 11:31 am

sounds like sheetz gas...
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Number of posts : 469
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Location : Wallburg nc
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 11:40 am

Haha I wish it was tbone man I just don't know what the problem is but it's at world class now hopefully they will find out what it is.
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Number of posts : 469
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Location : Wallburg nc
Registration date : 2011-09-27

Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 11:40 am

It's not getting any fire on the plugs
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 12:07 pm

Hey Zach will get this straight. Hes the best.
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Number of posts : 469
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Location : Wallburg nc
Registration date : 2011-09-27

Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 12:12 pm

Oh I'm sure just hope he can get it fixed by tomorrow
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitimeMay 21st 2012, 12:14 pm

well be sure to let us know! This is a big mystery.
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Rzr won't start Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rzr won't start   Rzr won't start Icon_minitime

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