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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 6:14 pm

I've been doing alot of ready on aftermarket springs for the stock shocks on a RZR. Here is a little info..

Stock shock measurements
Spring Rate: 100 Lbs per Inch
Spring Rate: 170 Lbs per Inch

High Lifter Springs
Spring Rate: 125 $47.50/pair
Spring Rate: 200 $47.50/pair
Total Price-$190.00

Spring Rate: 180 $195.00/pair
Dual Rate 900 over 200 $315.00/pair
Total price-$510.00

Makin Trax’s
Spring rate 220lb
Spring Rate 250lb
Total Price-$ 398.99
These are Progressive Springs. These really seem sweet to me, with them being a Progressive spring, this is the only spring that will actually get stiffer with added preload. All of the other springs I have listed above are Linear springs which that basically means that the spring rate is really all you have. Increasing or decreasing preload does nothing but adjust your ride height. If you are bottoming out then you will to get a heavier spring.

Last edited by simoniz on July 29th 2009, 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 8:43 pm

Thanks for the info.
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 9:34 pm

:yea that:
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 11:34 pm

Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 797616 Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 514110 Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 528968 Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 902166 Good info
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2009, 10:25 pm


Im ordering springs next week and a lift but im getting this lift... does anyone no anything about it.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2009, 10:32 pm

kfoley1087 wrote:

Im ordering springs next week and a lift but im getting this lift... does anyone no anything about it.

Looks like a good lift to me and similar to some others out there that have been proven a good lift.Go for it thumbs up
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2009, 10:49 pm

Mason Thomas has that lift he can tell you all about it.
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2009, 10:58 pm

I bit the bullet & ordered the prgressives last week... there scheduled to be in the U.S. tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing if they live up to the hype - No matter what, their pretty much guaranteed to be better than my stockers. I just hope they dont take a week and a half to get to my house from California haha
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2009, 10:59 pm

is that his Screen name????
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeJuly 30th 2009, 11:01 pm

I ordered a set of the Makin Trax's Progessive Springs today. They will work on both my stock shocks and my Walker Evans as well. So I might have a set of Highlifter Springs forsale soon.
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeAugust 5th 2009, 10:50 am

Great info man. I'm in the same boat. I don't have walker evans yet, so I'm gonna need to buy front springs for the stockers. Let me know how those turn out.

Thanks :Cool:
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Number of posts : 98
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2009, 6:21 pm

Interesting info, who here has the progressive springs installed now.

First impressions?
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Number of posts : 2840
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2009, 10:19 pm

I'm still on the waiting list for mine.
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Number of posts : 317
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2009, 10:04 pm

you just saved me some time thats what ive been lookin at. let us know how they work. a few guys on the rzr forum just put them on and love them. my lift made mine ride much better, but my springs have not started sagging yet.
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Number of posts : 574
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2009, 10:38 am

I ordered a set of Makin Trax's Progessive Springs last week and will pickup the RZR from the shop on Sat. I had a really bad overheating problem after the top end was done.
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Number of posts : 555
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2009, 5:56 pm

I think it would be nice to set up a separate section on this site and have a section for this type of info for all components that are upgraded along with links to the manufactures. Many of us have done research on our purchases and it would be handy to be easily access by those that follow in our footsteps.

Great Thread
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Number of posts : 555
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2009, 6:09 pm

kfoley1087 wrote:
Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 176206

Im ordering springs next week and a lift but im getting this lift... does anyone no anything about it.

That is the spectrum sandsports lift kit which I installed.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2009, 7:12 pm

RHarrah wrote:
I think it would be nice to set up a separate section on this site and have a section for this type of info for all components that are upgraded along with links to the manufactures. Many of us have done research on our purchases and it would be handy to be easily access by those that follow in our footsteps.

Great Thread

What do you suggest we call it ie:( Aftermarket parts & links) or something like that scratch
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Number of posts : 216
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2009, 8:24 pm

Sounds good.... Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 131395
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Number of posts : 555
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2009, 8:27 pm

Aftermarket parts link & reviews with sub categories of something like; Cages, Bars & Racks, Enclosures, Lighting & Electrical, Performance, Safety, Skid Plates, Suspension, Wheels & Tires, Winches....
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Number of posts : 574
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2009, 5:04 pm

Issue found when the Progressive Springs were being installed: both front dampners are split in half. You have to buy replace both fornt shocks becuase you can't order just the dampners.
Hopefully the extended warranty will cover - grey area.
Still find it odd though, I have never took the RZR airborne like they do out west (not saying I wouldn't, just never have)
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Number of posts : 555
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2009, 6:17 pm

You broke them by riding the machine past the factory recommended riding style of more than 30 mph on a dirt road that had an off-camber areas...LOL

Actually you will blow them out but bottoming the machine out.

The extended warranty will not cover them even though it covers the shocks. Been there & done that, all 4 of mine are split.
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Number of posts : 1040
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Registration date : 2009-02-10

Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2009, 6:32 pm

My front ones are trashed also. My extended warranty has been great on all things so far but those.............
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Number of posts : 5230
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 25th 2009, 8:21 pm

I'm there with you guys-- my dampener are busted as well & my front is swayed out.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2009, 12:27 am

RHarrah wrote:
Aftermarket parts link & reviews with sub categories of something like; Cages, Bars & Racks, Enclosures, Lighting & Electrical, Performance, Safety, Skid Plates, Suspension, Wheels & Tires, Winches....

I don't mind adding that anyone else think this is a good idea A little feedback pl
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2009, 8:56 am

Great ideal
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeSeptember 26th 2009, 12:13 pm

Bobby D wrote:
RHarrah wrote:
Aftermarket parts link & reviews with sub categories of something like; Cages, Bars & Racks, Enclosures, Lighting & Electrical, Performance, Safety, Skid Plates, Suspension, Wheels & Tires, Winches....

I don't mind adding that anyone else think this is a good idea Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 31543

bobby that sounds good.
you may be able to add it to the sxs mod section. Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 722106
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Number of posts : 2840
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2009, 9:47 am

Bobby, do you still have you other front shocks? I know a while back you bought another set of shocks with the high lifter springs...
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2009, 1:17 pm

simoniz wrote:
Bobby, do you still have you other front shocks? I know a while back you bought another set of shocks with the high lifter springs...

Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! 737982
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Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitimeOctober 2nd 2009, 5:25 pm

Woot -extended warranty is covering the shocks
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PostSubject: Re: Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's!   Aftermarket Spring Info. for RZR's! Icon_minitime

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