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 Beer Can Alley ??

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Bobby D
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PostSubject: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 11:45 am

If i take the trail from Pennacle Creek Campground down through the bottom to Beer Can Alley, does it come out on a Hatfield Trail?
Someone told me it did. Anyone know the trail number?
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 11:57 am

I think if you take a right and keep crossing the creeks, it does run into a H/M trail.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 12:29 pm

If you take a left and go all the way thru the creeks you come out what is called Tiny's and you can take a right at the fence and head onto H/M trails to Pineville or Mullens or just stay on the gravel road and take the H/M trail on your left at the bridge which will take you back to Ashland or eventually into Bramwell.I don't know the numbers cause I use to ride them all the time before they were H/M trails.
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 12:39 pm

the Pinnacle connector is 20, the one back to Bramwell is 27
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 8:15 pm

Bobby i think i know where your talking about. Does the trail split off a gravel road right there at a house and run down between two barbed wire fences for a good bit?
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 8:17 pm

yes it goes along a fence.  that is the connector between indian ridge and pinnacle creek.
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 8:22 pm

and it's a long connector, about ten miles or so
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 8:28 pm

Im pretty sure i know where its at. Might be a good ride from Ashland and back. Better take a couple gallons with me!! Thanks guys. Yall know if Pennacle Creek resort has gas or not? Dont think they did last year.
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 23rd 2014, 8:40 pm

No they don't. Ashland does. It isn't that far of a ride from Ashland to hm near pinnacle creek.
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2014, 2:37 am

Get you a gps with bobT maps, or ride with Bobby.  Either way, you will never get lost.
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2014, 5:50 am

Hump, the GPS is in my future plans for sure! I enjoy exploring and have a great sense of direction but am always leery of exploring too deep by myself for fear of breakind down or running out of gas. A GPS would be very helpful. Im heading out in 2 hours for 4 days of exploring and riding!! my first mission is to find Tinys and where Beer Can Alley meet. thanks fellas
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2014, 7:26 am

Ride safe & enjoy
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 24th 2014, 8:57 pm

if you are heading left past beer can alley by yourself you better have a winch and some other get unstuck gear or know exactly what lines you can take.  it is more than a wee bit muddy there and you cross the creek about 10 more times the creek crossings are easy some of the mudholes are not so easy.

Even if you don't own a gps you can still download Bob T's maps and look at them on your computer using the garmin software.
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2014, 9:50 pm

We found it just fine with yalls help. We came over from Ashland via the connector and went in at Tinys towards Pennacle Creek. Great ride through. creeks were deep from Fridays downpours and the mud holes were full but we made it through ok. You can definately tell its not a HM trail the minute we turned on it. Went up to Riders Paradise and had a few cold ones and back over the mountain through Crumpler to Ashland. It was a good ride. We went back over Saturday and man was there some freaks riding beer can. Holy hell It looked like the cast from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome!! Im talking dudes with dreads to their ass with the solid contacts where it looks like you have no pupils.....drunks so drunk they were about to fall off their rides...4 guys in a Mule...2 standing up....3 on one 4 wheeler...one smoking a joint and some VERY unfriendly SOB's. Glad my .45 was with in reach because it was very uncomfortable. All in all a great weekend.
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Roger cantly

Roger cantly

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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2014, 10:29 pm

Never seen nothing like that at beer can. Hopefully we never have to use any kind of force to defend ourself in that area. We would loose all rights to ride. I enjoy riding their more than anywhere, and would hate to loose that.
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 8:03 am

I have not been through beer can alley since late last summer and it didn't look great then. It seems every time we go though that area there is a cast of characters scattered about. I love the terrain ands sand in that area but thats about it. I hate the trash!
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 8:25 am

sevenladder wrote:
Im pretty sure i know where its at. Might be a good ride from Ashland and back. Better take a couple gallons with me!! Thanks guys. Yall know if Pennacle Creek resort has gas or not? Dont think they did last year.
Pinnacle creek atv campground sells gas by the gallon jug
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 8:59 am

sevenladder wrote:
We found it just fine with yalls help. We came over from Ashland via the connector and went in at Tinys towards Pennacle Creek. Great ride through. creeks were deep from Fridays downpours and the mud holes were full but we made it through ok. You can definately tell its not a HM trail the minute we turned on it. Went up to Riders Paradise and had a few cold ones and back over the mountain through Crumpler to Ashland. It was a good ride. We went back over Saturday and man was there some freaks riding beer can. Holy hell It looked like the cast from Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome!! Im talking dudes with dreads to their ass with the solid contacts where it looks like you have no pupils.....drunks so drunk they were about to fall off their rides...4 guys in a Mule...2 standing up....3 on one 4 wheeler...one smoking a joint and some VERY unfriendly SOB's. Glad my .45 was with in reach because it was very uncomfortable. All in all a great weekend.
we sat down there at the drinking tree several hours Saturday and didn't see that bunch. I have forever carried a .45 with me up there 'cause of the druggies
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Roger cantly

Roger cantly

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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 8:52 pm

Where is the drinking tree?
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 9:16 pm

Right at the intersection
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big g

big g

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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 29th 2014, 9:31 pm

the drinking tree is between beer can alley and pinnickle camp ground it is the walnut tree at the creek crossing
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 30th 2014, 12:20 pm

Heck we may have passed you Timmi. We came thru about 6:30 Pm
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 30th 2014, 12:38 pm

I dunno, seven, I think we left before then. Big G or Keeter might know. We had a wildcat, teryx and two rzr's sitting there. I never look at the clock when I'm up there  Beer Can Alley ?? 550457
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Roger cantly

Roger cantly

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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeApril 30th 2014, 7:26 pm

I'll look for it. Never herd of it.
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Location : Christiansburg, Virginia
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Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2014, 6:56 pm

Here is a vid I made a couple of years ago at the tree
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2014, 9:05 pm

The drinking tree is 1.6 miles past Pinnacle Creek Campground, not counting wheel spin in the mud.
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Roger cantly

Roger cantly

Number of posts : 313
Age : 49
Location : Fairdale wv
Registration date : 2013-03-31

Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2014, 10:15 pm

Timmi wrote:
Here is a vid I made a couple of years ago at the tree
Thanks for the info. I have always seen people there. Didnt know it had a name for it. We usually stop at the next creek. You can just about see it from there. My kids like playing in the creek in that spot
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Roger cantly

Roger cantly

Number of posts : 313
Age : 49
Location : Fairdale wv
Registration date : 2013-03-31

Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeMay 1st 2014, 10:53 pm

Beer Can Alley ?? 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000018D_zpsp5aonz2ilook familiar. Kids love it here.
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Number of posts : 1623
Age : 70
Location : Christiansburg, Virginia
Registration date : 2012-11-25

Beer Can Alley ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitimeMay 2nd 2014, 7:54 am

Good looking rzr's! I don't know anything about the 170 but I see a bunch of them on the trails. Probly best not to have kids around at the tree, language gets rough there at times.
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PostSubject: Re: Beer Can Alley ??   Beer Can Alley ?? Icon_minitime

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