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PostSubject: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2014, 9:37 pm

Pro's - Con's

Thinking about a set of 30x10x14's, and maybe a set of beadlocks to go with them, but that is really pushing the budget.

are the Roctane's a good choice?, or what out there is better, and that ain't Bighorn's with their paper thin sidewall.

Any dealers here, please pm me price for a set of 4
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2014, 10:00 pm

I have never had them but I am thinking that a set of 32" roctanes will be what replaces the stock bighorns when they are worn out.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2014, 10:36 pm

good one Never had any experience with them.  BUT, since the Big Horn tread design was introduced and got popular, a lot of tire makers are trying to replicate that tread design with improvements in other areas. 

The Roctane's is a good looking tire though.  I plan to replace the Maxxis on mine before October worn out or not with 27" something.  I need the 2" lift...MD
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2014, 10:45 pm

I have them on my 900xp and love them...they kinda look like a big horn spin off a little...but the dont push in a corner like my bighorns did....they seem to be pretty tough...been holing up great they are an 8ply tire i believe and some how i think they are a little lighter than a bighorn...
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2014, 10:54 pm

Ron(09rzr) wrote:
I have them on my 900xp and love them...they kinda look like a big horn spin off a little...but the dont push in a corner like my bighorns did....they seem to be pretty tough...been holing up great they are an 8ply tire i believe and some how i think they are a little lighter than a bighorn...
   That's what I wanna hear... I kinda like the grip of the bighorn (straight line) but side bite seems to suk, had ripsaws that would not slide into ruts or washes, but don't make in a 30".
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 6th 2014, 11:58 pm

I have a set of 27 roctanes and have done good so far they 27x11x14 and 27x9x14 the only thing I dont like they are so stiff in the side wall they will leak around the bead and have to pump them up every week! even with bead sealer but thats not all of them though, on another note I just ordered a set of EFX Motohammers today,they are dot approved,look like the BFG. Mud Terrain and the load capacity is over a 1000 lbs and 8 ply, or check out the Maxxiss Ceros that has a good load rating as well
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 7th 2014, 7:59 am

I had Roctanes and the rear that needed to be aired up every week as Andy stated. Just could not get a seal around the bead. Beadlocks might help with this. I also go a hole in each rear sidewall on the same right but that may have more to do with sliding sideways through rock gardens. Finally threw a plug and destroyed a tire driving too far on it while flat. Switched the rears to Dirt Commanders which have been a good tire.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 7th 2014, 8:37 am

i got a set of 26 inch roctanes on beadlocks and as stated they leak! will not buy them again. i will probably go back to big horns or the new maxxis viper.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2014, 6:49 pm

I had one that was leaking.  The local dealer got me a new tire at no charge.  They said there was some sidewall sealing issues.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2014, 9:17 pm

Well, it looks like I'm gonna give them a try, 2 arrived today and  Roctane's? 214993  left a set in Louisville ky, to be delivered tomorrow... Have thought about having them put bead sealer on when they install them  Roctane's? 797616 

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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2014, 9:31 pm

i think u will like the rocktanes i have a set on my wildcat and they do great i would put the bead sealer on when u install them one of mine has got a slow leak  around the rim i have not broke it down yet to put the bead sealer on
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2014, 9:50 pm

BadOleRoss wrote:
I had Roctanes and the rear that needed to be aired up every week as Andy stated. Just could not get a seal around the bead. Beadlocks might help with this. I also go a hole in each rear sidewall on the same right but that may have more to do with sliding sideways through rock gardens. Finally threw a plug and destroyed a tire driving too far on it while flat. Switched the rears to Dirt Commanders which have been a good tire.

I did look at the Dirt Commander .... and most of the other tires listed, only problem is, hard to find a good tire in the 29/30x ? x14.  Sometime's you just have to bite the bullet, guess I did  lol!
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T Wood

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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2014, 10:08 pm

They look good. Never know you may not have any problems with them.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2014, 10:11 pm

I have one back one that has a slow leak on the bead but it take almost two weeks for it to go down... No big deal for me...the way they handle the trail I would buy them again in a heart beat
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 12th 2014, 10:54 pm

Ron(09rzr) wrote:
I have one back one that has a slow leak on the bead but it take almost two weeks for it to go down... No big deal for me...the way they handle the trail I would buy them again in a heart beat

Putting in air is no problem, I check mine once a week anyway and it is parked beside compressor in garage... and I carry one with me

What PSI are you running (beadlocks? or not)
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2014, 9:33 pm

Well, got them on, had them put bead seal on them before they were mounted... my gauge reads in .5lb increments and no change in 2 days, so just maybe.. lol!     Gained about 1 1/4" of ground clearance  Yahoo! 

Roctane's? 2014-014

Roctane's? 2014-015
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2014, 9:43 pm

nice elmo, looks mean, nothing like new tires.....
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T Wood

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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2014, 10:02 pm

They look good Elmo. How do they ride compared to the bighorns?
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2014, 10:40 pm

T Wood wrote:
They look good Elmo. How do they ride compared to the bighorns?
  Maybe a little rougher,but not bad. went to gas station today (down the blacktop) and feel that they need balanced... so tonight I ordered tyrebeads to put in them.  Grip... LOL, no comparison so far, but I have not had the chance to really try them out (just around farm) maybe tomorrow or Monday I can see what they will do.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2014, 12:30 am

I run about 12 pounds all the way around...I am more than happy with the grip but stock I also had Baka cross tires... Not really a fair comparison
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T Wood

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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2014, 10:45 am

Elmo maybe a tire shop can balance them and use those stick on weights.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2014, 11:08 pm

Did 46 miles today, not much, but enough to know I like them... I used 4x4 more than normal to try to keep strain off of the rear axles on rough rocky hills, but in mud  Yahoo! ... they did seem to slide a little in turns (fronts) but nothing to bad.  Gonna drop the front TP down to around 8 and see how that does.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2014, 7:42 pm

Ive got a set of 30'' Roctane's. Only thing I dont like is 10'' wide on the front. I havent got to ride it yet so I cant really say.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2014, 7:58 pm

Roctane's? Fullsi13
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2014, 8:43 pm

Nice ride Stitch! Congrats
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Number of posts : 1954
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 22nd 2014, 8:46 pm

T Wood wrote:
Elmo maybe a tire shop can balance them and use those stick on weights.
 Well, wheel weights would not help, I had 1 tire that was not round, more like an egg... it was going to take 19.2 oz (1.25lbs) to balance, I could not get over 35-40 mph on smooth roads.  I finally convinced Rocky Mountain to replace that tire, it is on now and need to put tire beads in it again, but can run 60 with no issues..  lol!

Stitch89, I think you will like them... right now I am running 10psi in rears and 9psi in fronts.. may even go a little lower
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2014, 1:58 pm

I had a set of 30" Roctanes on my Wildcat 1000 and had about 1500 miles on them when I sold it and I never had a flat and never had to add air to them.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2014, 6:13 pm

ElmoEOD wrote:
T Wood wrote:
Elmo maybe a tire shop can balance them and use those stick on weights.
 Well, wheel weights would not help, I had 1 tire that was not round, more like an egg... it was going to take 19.2 oz (1.25lbs) to balance, I could not get over 35-40 mph on smooth roads.  I finally convinced Rocky Mountain to replace that tire, it is on now and need to put tire beads in it again, but can run 60 with no issues..  lol!

Stitch89, I think you will like them... right now I am running 10psi in rears and 9psi in fronts.. may even go a little lower
I purchased mine at Discount tire and I too had to replace one because it was out of round really bad. I haven't had any air leaking issues yet.
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Number of posts : 203
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2014, 6:15 pm

rayray wrote:
Nice ride Stitch! Congrats
Thanks rayray, I heard you got you a new machine.
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PostSubject: Re: Roctane's?   Roctane's? Icon_minitimeSeptember 23rd 2014, 6:39 pm

stitch89 wrote:
rayray wrote:
Nice ride Stitch! Congrats
Thanks rayray, I heard you got you a new machine.

Sure did...we need to go riding down at AWHARRIE one weekend.
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