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WV Hot Rod Rhino
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This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Empty
PostSubject: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 8:27 am

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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 9:47 am

excellent post!!. nice video!....I run them also, they fit like a glove, strong, a great product, he has great deals on full skid plates also! Also makes them for the tyrex and arctic cat. I was going to post your video in the JBS thread on Mav forums if you dont mind?
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 10:01 am

That's fine Bill
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 10:08 am

Are the new ones still made like that or has it been changed?
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 10:20 am

Timmi these were just sent to me, so they are the latest.
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 10:24 am

they are the same on the maverick as they have been since fall when they came out, they all look different for the tyrex maverick and arctic cat....
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 5:05 pm

Hold it!!! Rules committee here.

You werent running that fast??? Heck I was rolling and u were having a hard time keeping up. I think you were trying too hard to keep up with me and hit that stick which went a far ways. This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS 495894  

Great post though. That is a necessity for any sxs. thumbs up
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 5:13 pm

UHHH...I was waiting on your friend that you kept running off from. THE GOLDEN RULE... Never leave a fellow rider behind.
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 5:15 pm

rayray wrote:
UHHH...I was waiting on your friend that you kept running off from. THE GOLDEN RULE... Never leave a fellow rider behind.
Heck no u weren't!!! He got lost one time because u wouldnt wait. I had to force the wait on you and I stopped at every turn because I knew your ass didnt know where to go!  LMAO This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS 495894
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 5:27 pm

Trust me buddy...You don't have to worry about me keeping up with your STATION WAGON....every curve in the trail you have to make a 3 point turn. ROFL ROFL ROFL ROFL
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 8:37 pm

Got mine. Wasn't gonna a wait for that.
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My 800

My 800

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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 24th 2015, 11:47 pm

This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS 470653  Dang Ray Ray, don't you just hate when that happens.  Great post and video.  Point well taken and certainly shows the importance in the floor board protectors...MD
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2015, 7:18 am

Great post --- thanks for sharing
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WV Hot Rod Rhino
WV Hot Rod Rhino

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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2015, 10:15 am

Thanks for sharing
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WV Hot Rod Rhino
WV Hot Rod Rhino

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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2015, 10:16 am

20% off for forum members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2015, 10:49 am

Excellent post!  I won mine for my teryx in James's giveaway, but I would have definitely bought a set for my new machine.  First MOD anyone should do if you care about your safety or your passenger's safety at all.
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big g

big g

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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2015, 8:18 pm

James and Nicki make great products i have a set on my t-4 they fit like a glove
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Number of posts : 4683
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 25th 2015, 9:46 pm

Glad nobody was hurt.  The thought of what could happen is just plain scary.
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Number of posts : 2037
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2015, 9:59 am

Really scarey!  Great fix.  Asking a dumb question - Is your ride equipped with a skid plate?
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Number of posts : 6335
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2015, 10:29 am

Finz, it has the aluminum side pieces from JBS but only the factory down the center. which it's not that bad but I will soon change out those also. Where the stick went thru, the Maverick has no protection at all...that's where the floor protecters come in handy.
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Number of posts : 2037
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 26th 2015, 11:04 am

Amen, Brother!!
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Number of posts : 48
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PostSubject: Re: This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS   This is why you need JBS FLOOR BOARD PROTECTERS Icon_minitimeMarch 28th 2015, 11:28 am

JBS hooked my new T4 up just the other day. After watching the video, I'm glad I made the purchase. Thanks guys
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