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New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide234
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide253
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide256
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide258
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide276
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide280
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide287
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide159
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide293
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide299
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide305
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide315
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New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide119
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» 2014 rzr 800 fuel pump don't come on and motor will not turn over
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» Creston Poker Run
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WV Hot Rod Rhino
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 11:32 am

Hello from Morgantown WV. I'm a first timer to this site but have heard great things about it. Just bought a new RZR LE and am dying to get it off the trailer Anyone planning a ride within a couple hours of me? Thanks in advance.
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Number of posts : 230
Location : Ashland, Ky
Registration date : 2010-03-08

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 11:34 am

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222 congrats
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New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 11:40 am

Welcome and Congrats on your new ride! Your going to love it!

Come on down and ride some! This is a great group to ride with!

Our public relations director "Bubba," will be in touch with you soon!
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 11:46 am

I am looking forward to it. Had a Ranger crew aka "short bus" and had a ball but was time to crank it up a little! I dont mind traveling any distance for a big ride, but would love to find a place close to home to ride weekly. I have a very flexible schedule and can ride just about anytime. Thanks for the warm welcome!
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Number of posts : 189
Age : 36
Location : stanaford wv
Registration date : 2010-10-27

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 12:02 pm

Wv hot rod rhino and myself have some great riding around or houses.whenever you want to go ride we can.the group done 80 miles sat and 50 sunday.beckley area
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 12:07 pm

Nice! I will have to keep in touch. Starting to add some accessories to the ride, but so far, its a stock LE as far as suspension and tires go. Added bumpers, half windshield, top and harnesses so far, but looks like i may need to go to a full windshield, or bundle up! Trying to keep it narrow for local trails, but love the look and ride of the wider machines.
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Number of posts : 189
Age : 36
Location : stanaford wv
Registration date : 2010-10-27

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 12:10 pm

Thanks, mine haas fox shocks.yea just let me or hot rod know something and we will go on a all day ride
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 12:22 pm

Will do. I cant wait to see some of the other rides and get some ideas. Some of the home made mods I have seen are awesome. I think I have my girls this weekend.
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Number of posts : 189
Age : 36
Location : stanaford wv
Registration date : 2010-10-27

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 12:32 pm

Well we ride during the week too
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 12:56 pm

Do your guys schedules let you ride during the day through the week? Working real estate so I set my own hours and can go. Beckley is about a 4 hr. trip but i would consider it if I planned for it.. My nephew is picking up a new on in a day or so as well.
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Number of posts : 4683
Age : 45
Location : Richwood, WV
Registration date : 2009-03-08

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 12:58 pm

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222 5 points would be a good place for you to ride without going to far from home. I've only been there once, but it seems like a nice big place to ride. It's just outside of Clarksburg.
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 1:02 pm

I have heard of it, but never been there, so no idea where to go , park etc, but i could figure it im sure. That would be alot closer, but sure would like to have some others for the first time or two. Nice lookin Ride!!
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Number of posts : 629
Age : 58
Location : Statesville, NC.
Registration date : 2010-11-18

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 1:06 pm

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 371404 New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222
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New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 2:34 pm

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Bobby D

Bobby D

Number of posts : 14579
Location : Blacksburg,Va
Registration date : 2009-02-08

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 2:43 pm

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 273497 New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 643556
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Steve K

Steve K

Number of posts : 1236
Age : 56
Location : Tobaccoville NC
Registration date : 2009-04-21

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 6:57 pm

Mr. Impulse wrote:
Hello from Morgantown WV. I'm a first timer to this site but have heard great things about it. Just bought a new RZR LE and am dying to get it off the trailer Anyone planning a ride within a couple hours of me? Thanks in advance.

Glad you made it over here from that other site!!

You need to make the Spring Ride in April, there will be a bunch of RZRs to drool over!! lol!
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WV Teryx 96

WV Teryx 96

Number of posts : 112
Location : Beckley, West Virginia
Registration date : 2010-09-12

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 7:03 pm

Welcome congrats on the new ride
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 7:14 pm

Thanks, I think its gonna be a blast!
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Number of posts : 1464
Location : Hillsboro, Ohio
Registration date : 2009-05-07

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 8:15 pm

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222 and New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 883398 you will deffinatley have a big time whith this wonderfull group New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 736203 New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 91055
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Number of posts : 1376
Age : 64
Location : Hamptonville NC
Registration date : 2009-10-21

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 8:30 pm

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 371404 New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222 aboard ! Come on down & New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 643556
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Number of posts : 1339
Age : 53
Location : Pennsboro, WV
Registration date : 2009-09-10

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 9:22 pm

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222!!!! Maybe one day soon we can hook up and go riding together. I could show you around 5 Points. Hope you can make the spring ride.
New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 627238
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Number of posts : 5
Location : Charles Town, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 10:25 pm

Mr. Impulse wrote:
Hello from Morgantown WV. I'm a first timer to this site but have heard great things about it. Just bought a new RZR LE and am dying to get it off the trailer Anyone planning a ride within a couple hours of me? Thanks in advance.

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222
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Number of posts : 359
Age : 56
Location : hillsville,va
Registration date : 2010-01-08

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 10:29 pm

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222 New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 643556
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Number of posts : 498
Age : 66
Location : Centerburg Ohio
Registration date : 2009-08-02

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 10:36 pm

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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 10:53 pm

The ride at 5 points I would take you up on. I have to say, I cant believe how many of you have responded. Its like one big RZR family!! Pretty cool. Lookin forward to meeting all of you.
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Number of posts : 12045
Age : 71
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2009-08-29

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 11:11 pm

hey Mr Impluse... Congrats and Welcome to the club....you are hereby invited to the spring ride.... Yahoo!
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Mr. Impulse

Mr. Impulse

Number of posts : 372
Location : Morgantown, WV
Registration date : 2011-01-23

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 11:16 pm

Thanks for the Invite Bubba! I was told you would be contacting me. What a great group of folks. I will definitely attend.
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Number of posts : 1712
Age : 53
Location : Statesville, N.C.
Registration date : 2010-08-19

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 24th 2011, 11:23 pm

Mr. Impulse wrote:
The ride at 5 points I would take you up on. I have to say, I cant believe how many of you have responded. Its like one big RZR family!! Pretty cool. Lookin forward to meeting all of you.

Welcome What One Big RZR Family? Hey HotRod I guess we are the red headed step kids HUH!!
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New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2011, 12:12 am

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222
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Number of posts : 5230
Age : 50
Location : Beaver, WV
Registration date : 2009-02-11

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Empty
PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitimeJanuary 25th 2011, 9:28 am

New RZR owner from Morgantown WV 351222

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PostSubject: Re: New RZR owner from Morgantown WV   New RZR owner from Morgantown WV Icon_minitime

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