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 Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area

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Number of posts : 2775
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Location : Greensboro, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-14

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 3:19 pm

Name Latitude Longitude
Wagon Wheel N37°27.703' W81°21.981'
Kays Outpost N37°28.315' W81°21.326'
Stairs N37°26.063' W81°20.609'
Hilltop N37°25.457' W81°18.802'
Trestle1 N37°27.560' W81°19.390'
Trestle2 N37°27.890' W81°19.479'
Bear Town N37°29.195' W81°22.259'
Burke Mtn N37°27.441' W81°26.348'
Windmill Gap Store N37°24.127' W81°19.082'
HM-PC-23 N37°31.442' W81°25.892'
Mountain Top Cabins N37°25.886' W81°20.967'
Mill N37°25.533' W81°23.010'
To HM23-B N37°30.233' W81°22.930'
52 Launch N37°20.685' W81°19.049'
Guard Post Trail N37°23.532' W81°17.834'
Cn Creek Rd N37°23.279' W81°17.273'
Maybry Trail N37°22.506' W81°21.855'
Sterling Drive-In N37°26.460' W81°34.306'
Exxon 1 N37°25.798' W81°33.339'
Tiny’s N37°29.390' W81°25.300'
Creek Junction N37°29.426' W81°23.670'
Berry Trail N37°21.395' W81°18.517'
5 Points N37°22.360' W81°17.610'
Split Wel N37°26.651' W81°31.366'
NG Pump N37°25.920' W81°19.580'
Ashland Resort N37°24.729' W81°20.185'
Blue Bldg N37°26.935' W81°25.881'
Pond N37°27.749' W81°23.727'
Herndon N37°30.263' W81°20.396'
To HM23-A N37°29.348' W81°25.339'
Exxon 2 N37°26.454' W81°34.375'
L&B Pit Stop N37°31.576' W81°22.086'
L Pond Reclaim N37°23.196' W81°18.480'
Burnt Peerless
Coal Office N37°25.079' W81°29.466'
Mini-Stairsteps N37°27.507' W81°19.788'
Pinnacle Rock N37°27.839' W81°22.701'
The View N37°29.903' W81°27.095'
Welch McDonalds N37°25.919' W81°34.178'
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Number of posts : 10
Age : 57
Location : Poca Wv
Registration date : 2009-02-24

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 4:28 pm


need to make that a sticky
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Number of posts : 2775
Age : 54
Location : Greensboro, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-14

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 4:34 pm

nukerzr wrote:

need to make that a sticky

done Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area 605485

And for anyone who doesn't know, if you copy and paste the coordinates in google map then click satellite you can see a great satellite image of the area.
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Jeff M

Jeff M

Number of posts : 1777
Location : Moneta Va
Registration date : 2009-02-16

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 6:44 pm

thumbs up Thanks neuromax.
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Steve K

Steve K

Number of posts : 1236
Age : 56
Location : Tobaccoville NC
Registration date : 2009-04-21

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 7:43 pm

What GPS do you guys recommend?
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Bobby D

Bobby D

Number of posts : 14579
Location : Blacksburg,Va
Registration date : 2009-02-08

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 7:52 pm

I don't use one Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area 22837 lol!
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Number of posts : 225
Age : 63
Location : Harbinger, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-18

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 10:07 pm

Just remember Bobby .... one day you will be old and CRS will set in!!!!!

I use the 60 series GPS by Garmin.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

Number of posts : 14579
Location : Blacksburg,Va
Registration date : 2009-02-08

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 10:09 pm

Wingman wrote:
Just remember Bobby .... one day you will be old and CRS will set in!!!!!

I use the 60 series GPS by Garmin.

I hope not lol!
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Number of posts : 2775
Age : 54
Location : Greensboro, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-14

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2009, 11:26 pm

LOL, I don't use one either
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Number of posts : 796
Age : 44
Location : Charleston, WV
Registration date : 2009-03-05

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 18th 2009, 9:14 am

Awesome man! Thanks! You Rock thumbs up
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Number of posts : 10
Age : 57
Location : Poca Wv
Registration date : 2009-02-24

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeJune 18th 2009, 9:31 am

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Number of posts : 86
Age : 68
Location : Havelock, North Carolina
Registration date : 2009-09-12

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2009, 1:13 pm

Just joined, Great information!
Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area 231577
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Number of posts : 224
Age : 42
Location : bluefield, wv
Registration date : 2012-05-02

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2012, 4:27 pm

so has anyone mapped out the outlaw trails on a gps? for the wagon wheel area... or does anybody know of a good gps that picks up in the mountains Ive took a few cheaper ones with me before and can never get signal
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Number of posts : 606
Age : 75
Location : Jacksonville Florida
Registration date : 2009-09-08

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeMay 4th 2012, 5:27 pm

Try a Garmin GPSMAP 60CSX.

Maintains signal very well nearly all the time.
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Number of posts : 7
Age : 58
Location : Central Ohio
Registration date : 2012-07-22

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2012, 7:44 pm

I've been using Back Country Navigator on an android phone (Samsung Infuse in a waterproof pouch), no problems with GPS signal. Rode from Carswell to Northfork hollow and back yesterday, where was everyone?
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Number of posts : 4683
Age : 45
Location : Richwood, WV
Registration date : 2009-03-08

Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Empty
PostSubject: Re: Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area   Waypoints for the Wagon Wheel area Icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2012, 8:16 pm

I've been wanting one for a while, but I don't know anything about them. Looking to go with something affordable for a 1st one til I see if and how much I use it. I was considering the Garmin etrex 20 or 30.

What are some I should stay away from? If I have alot of trouble getting signal, then it would be useless and end up over the side of the hill.
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