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Location : Hillsboro, Ohio
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PostSubject: recall   recall Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2013, 5:33 am

CanAm Commander recall

1. BRP Recalls Can-Am Side-By-Side Vehicles Due to Fire Hazard

Consumers should stop using this product unless otherwise instructed. It is illegal to resell or attempt to resell a recalled consumer product.
Recall date: January 29, 2013

Recall number: 13-103

Name of product: Can-Am(r) Commander Side-by-Side Off Road Vehicles

Hazard: Debris such as leaves, hay and grass in wet terrain areas can collect in the vehicle's exhaust pipe area in a short period of time. A hot exhaust pipe and accumulated debris that has dried, poses a risk of fire.

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled vehicles, check their exhaust for accumulated debris as described in the Cleaning Procedure of Exhaust Area guide and contact a BRP dealer to schedule a free update kit repair. The guide is available to consumers at their local BRP dealer or online at www.can-am.brp.com. BRP has notified registered consumers directly about this recall and the vehicle's cleaning guide.

Consumer Contact: BRP; toll-free at (888) 638-5397, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET Monday through Friday, or online at www.can-am.brp.com and click on "recall information" under the owner center for more information.

Photos are available at: http://www.cpsc.gov/en/Recalls/2013/BRP-Recalls-Can-Am-Side-By-Side-Vehicles-Due-to-Fire-Hazard/

Units: About 25,000

Description: This recall involves 2011, 2012 and early 2013 model gas-powered Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicles. The model name is printed on the vehicle's side panel. Models included in the recall are:

Model Year 2011: Can-Am Commander 800R and 1000, Can-Am Commander XT 800R and 1000. Can-Am Commander X 1000
Model Year 2012: Can-Am Commander 800R and 1000, Can-Am Commander XT 800R and 1000, Can-Am Commander X 1000, Can-Am Commander Limited 1000
Model Year 2013 (without Front Grill Kit): Can-Am Commander 800R and 1000, Can-Am Commander XT 800R and 1000, Can-Am Commander X 1000, Can-Am Commander Limited 1000, Can-Am Commander DPS 800R and 1000

Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received 18 reports of fires related to accumulated debris in the exhaust pipe area, including one report of minor burns to the hand.

Sold at: Can-Am dealers nationwide from April 2010 through November 2012 for between $11,700 and $21,000.

Manufacturer: BRP Mexico S.A. de C.V., of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico

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PostSubject: Re: recall   recall Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2013, 10:28 am

I posted a recall exactly like this a few months ago....thats odd...

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PostSubject: Re: recall   recall Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2013, 10:39 am

Good info, I wonder why they did a second recall? I moved this to the Can Am section instead of World Class since they aren't a Can Am dealer
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PostSubject: Re: recall   recall Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2013, 6:17 pm

found it on my facebook page
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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

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PostSubject: Re: recall   recall Icon_minitimeJanuary 30th 2013, 6:34 pm

Wonder if they add a fan like Yamaha did on the Rhino. As far as I know, the Rhino has always had that fan to blow debris off the manifold and exhaust. Many of us removed it because it would cause it to bog down in watercrossings since it was run off the crank.
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PostSubject: Re: recall   recall Icon_minitime

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