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Rick S
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Mounting UHF radio Empty
PostSubject: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeMarch 8th 2014, 8:03 pm

Where is everyone mounting there UHF radio in there RZR 900xp? Pics if you can. Thanks
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Rick S

Rick S

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PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeMarch 8th 2014, 10:52 pm

i mounted mine over head try to post some pictures later on
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Mounting UHF radio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeMarch 8th 2014, 10:53 pm

Ok thanks
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My 800

My 800

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Mounting UHF radio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2014, 12:22 am

My comment may not be the best, but it is an alternative.  I have a good friend that owns a Motorola Shop and I asked him for a Motorola UHF GP300 (older Handheld).  He located one in his older junque box and programmed the first 14 FRS Channels and being a ham, I asked him to put the two UHF repeaters in it also.

Now for the good stuff.  I have a couple of these soft insulated drink holders with the velcro straps that will fit around the RZR roof bars.  I put the radio in the holder and cinch it down with the speaker mic hanging down and clip it to the strap on the turtle-shell helmet and it works like roscoe.  So there is an alternative.  And the radio can actually be taken out and keep with you while away from the vehicle...MD
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Number of posts : 933
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Location : Winston Salem, NC</>Hilltop Escape, WV
Registration date : 2010-06-02

Mounting UHF radio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2014, 2:08 pm

Mike what did that setup run you and can he find any more handhelds.
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PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2014, 5:05 pm

keeter wrote:
Mike what did that setup run you and can he find any more handhelds.
Keeter there are some of those on ebay for as low as 35 bucks just looked .
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My 800

My 800

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Mounting UHF radio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeJune 16th 2014, 9:16 pm

Keeter, Bocephus is correct.  The problem I have found though is those radios are used it several band spreads.  Make sure the seller confirms the 438-474 spread.  Plus once you buy it, then the programming is the next challenge.  I will check with the guy and see if he has a few more and let you know.  Mine was under 50 bucks programmed and ready to go. 

Keep another thing in mind.  The GP300 is an older radio and the batteries will probably be weak or dead.  Again the batteries are available on EBAY.

I will check and see, I worked with him at the Firehouse with him for many years and may have just done it for me as a favor.  BUT, I will ask him for you...MD
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Number of posts : 933
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Location : Winston Salem, NC</>Hilltop Escape, WV
Registration date : 2010-06-02

Mounting UHF radio Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2014, 2:55 pm

yea I had a mounted radio and hardly ever used it because nobody else at Hilltop had one at the time. One of the reason for wanting a handhelds is so I can use it on different vehicles when needed. and also like the corded mike feature so I could leave the radio hanging while talking.
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My 800

My 800

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Registration date : 2014-06-11

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PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeJune 17th 2014, 11:23 pm

Keeter, I have not had any luck yet.  I asked my buddy and haven't heard anything from him.

There is no doubt in my mind the handheld concept will work well.  I will give you a report when we get back from Kentucky next week.  I might want to ride with another buddy from Hilltop another day and the radio can go with me...MD

I forgot to mention, several in a group of us are going to ride the WTOP near Middlesboro this Thursday morning through Sunday.  An invitation to any that are close enough and their schedule will allow them to go are welcome.  We have several beds still open, so consider yourself invited.  It will be great meeting and riding with any of you here on the forum...MD
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

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PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitimeJune 18th 2014, 12:32 am

Below is a list of the FRS/GMRS frequencies.  You generally want to use the GMRS frequencies since anyone with a small handheld will be limited on power output.  The ones you buy on ebay will generally be 24 watt so they will broadcast at high power on all frequencies.  FRS is far right and GMRS is second from the right

1462.56255 W500 mW
2462.58755 W500 mW
3462.61255 W500 mW
4462.63755 W500 mW
5462.66255 W500 mW
6462.68755 W500 mW
7462.71255 W500 mW
8467.5625 500 mW
9467.5875 500 mW
10467.6125 500 mW
11467.6375 500 mW
12467.6625 500 mW
13467.6875 500 mW
14467.7125 500 mW
15462.5550 W 
16462.57550 W 
17462.650 W 
18462.62550 W 
19462.6550 W 
20462.67550 W 
21462.750 W 
22462.72550 W 
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PostSubject: Re: Mounting UHF radio   Mounting UHF radio Icon_minitime

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