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WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide197
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WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide229
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide234
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WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide276
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide280
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide287
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide159
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide293
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide299
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide305
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide315
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Number of posts : 147
Location : goodview va
Registration date : 2009-10-19

WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2010, 7:09 pm

hey gang im in the market for a set of muzzys for my rex if anyone has a set they wanna get rid of or know of someone wanting to get rid of a set email me at fordtrucknut77@aol.com thanks
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Number of posts : 1312
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PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2010, 7:42 pm

hunter works is more than likely your best shot
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Number of posts : 12045
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WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2010, 8:25 pm

WTB muzzy duals for teryx  227156
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WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 24th 2010, 10:18 pm

thanks guys, im somewhat patient as we all know this is kinda the off season.. I have seen a couple sets people have taken off for whatever reason and sold in the 500 range. I just havent been in the right place at the right time yet iffin ya know what i mean..
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pit dog

pit dog

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WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 25th 2010, 1:21 am

Hey call mickey at four stroke tech. Standard 666 shipped & pros 750. If you buy used make sure there the new style. Old style runs under motor, will melt wires & side case.I think I told you I Have a msd, rear bumper & a harness belt bar.
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Number of posts : 147
Location : goodview va
Registration date : 2009-10-19

WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 25th 2010, 9:46 am

how much would you want for the rear bumper? and how does it mount?

I currently made my own harness bar, i am going to do a custom cage if i can ever get my buddy with th bender off his butt!

and that price done sound bad, I will check with a few different people vfj SAYS he will sell the pros cheaper than anybody. but didnt give me a price yet.

thanks for the info, i didnt know there was a * new design * i thought they were all the same...how do the new ones mount if they dont go under the motor?
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pit dog

pit dog

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PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 25th 2010, 12:58 pm

The new ones run down the side of motor, Flow better with less heat in the cab. I also wrapped mine. The old style runs under the motor. Cause a bunch of issues. Take the bed all the way off to install. I have the pros about 1 1/2 more hp. Look on there web site they have pic's. Vfj is good to deal with . his clutch mod rocks. tell him big paul told you to give up a package deal. The bumper is a emp double pipe with wrap around ends laser cut logo. Mounts to the bed real solid. 140 had it on about 2 months
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Number of posts : 147
Location : goodview va
Registration date : 2009-10-19

WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 25th 2010, 1:07 pm

ok will do...thanks
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Number of posts : 147
Location : goodview va
Registration date : 2009-10-19

WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 25th 2010, 1:07 pm

an can you post pics of the bumper?
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pit dog

pit dog

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Registration date : 2010-01-28

WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2010, 11:57 am

Just go to extreme metal products it is on there web site 135 they dropped the price to 179 + shipping
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Number of posts : 1376
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WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 26th 2010, 12:54 pm

pit dog wrote:
Just go to extreme metal products it is on there web site 135 they dropped the price to 179 + shipping
WTB muzzy duals for teryx  128464 EMP is a supporting vendor of this forum. Rick & his folks up there in Cleveland Oh. make some awesome UTV products & gives us wvsxs some really great deals!
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Number of posts : 147
Location : goodview va
Registration date : 2009-10-19

WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Empty
PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 28th 2010, 9:47 pm

mickey quoted me 726 shipped for the standards..not a lot of a difference but still makes me wonder why the price increase?
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pit dog

pit dog

Number of posts : 4423
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Location : charleston WV
Registration date : 2010-01-28

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PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2010, 1:05 am

I got my pros about 10 mo ago,were 750, Everything is going up. Check VFJ out.
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Number of posts : 147
Location : goodview va
Registration date : 2009-10-19

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PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitimeDecember 29th 2010, 9:43 pm

i did, he said 750 for the standards.. im gonna talk to a local guy an see how much he says. whats your opinion if i choose which to do first should i do the clutch or the exhaust?
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PostSubject: Re: WTB muzzy duals for teryx    WTB muzzy duals for teryx  Icon_minitime

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