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Number of posts : 63
Age : 38
Location : Crab Orchard, WV
Registration date : 2011-09-05

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PostSubject: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2012, 8:44 pm

I just purchased the flip up windshield. I got everything put together and on the machine. I am not trying to start a problem or anything because I am completely satisfied with the product and would recommend it to anyone. The problem is with the directions sent with the windshield. They are completely useless and got threw in the brushpile after 5 minutes of trying to figure them out. The video on youtube is much more helpful. Great windshield though! If anyone is in the market for one I recommend the flip up. EMP flip up windshield 770746
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Number of posts : 2775
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Location : Greensboro, NC
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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2012, 8:46 pm

Glad you liked my video! ;)

I agree the windshield is a great product, I am not sure what the directions look like at this time. The ones I had were a draft.
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Number of posts : 63
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Location : Crab Orchard, WV
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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2012, 8:49 pm

neuromax wrote:
Glad you liked my video! ;)

I agree the windshield is a great product, I am not sure what the directions look like at this time. The ones I had were a draft.

Yes the video was very helpful! Im just glad I have a windshield that shouldnt get scratched up to bad. The first one I had wasnt hard coated and you couldnt see thru it after 3 rides. Does this one hold up good?
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Number of posts : 2775
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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2012, 9:06 pm

The MR10 holds up very well as long as you use common sense with it, It is hard coated but not glass. Just use care with it and you should be fine. Don't wipe it off dry and try to loosen all mud with water pressure more than wiping.
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Number of posts : 63
Age : 38
Location : Crab Orchard, WV
Registration date : 2011-09-05

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2012, 9:40 pm

Ok thanks alot. It should hold up fine for me then.
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Number of posts : 1954
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Registration date : 2011-06-25

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2012, 9:44 pm

I like mine also, and I agree, the directions are a little vague... but throw in some thinking and trial and error and it all comes together.

As for cleaning, I carry a spray bottle of Rain-X washer fluid.... cleans it and apply's rain-x every time
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Number of posts : 140
Registration date : 2010-09-14

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 10:23 am

I have the Hard coat as well. I always carry a spray bottle with me and a squeegee. It have had mine for over a year and i might have one scratch!!
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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 11:05 am

I've got the hard coat EMP flip up as well. I agree on the directions. They were not great. The biggest issue I had was what hardware went where.

Otherwise, a great product. I just use a spray bottle and washer fluid to soak it down good before gently wiping it. Mine still looks new so far. I'd be careful with a squeegee, I would be fearful it would still scratch the windshield.
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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 3:47 pm

Well what does everyone use to clean their shield??

I bring windex and a squeegee. Its getting some scratches in it though. I liked what shawn was using the other day. He had a big rag.
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Number of posts : 933
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Location : Winston Salem, NC</>Hilltop Escape, WV
Registration date : 2010-06-02

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 4:39 pm

It seems like all windows end up getting scratched sooner or later, i was wondering if anyone has ever tried to polish a window with one of those kits like they use to clear up a headlight lens? I know it would be a lot of work but just thinking out loud. Also i thought Rain-ex was only made for Glass?
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EMP flip up windshield Empty
PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 4:46 pm

u can use rain x on it keeter. I was thinking about doing it to mine to help out. Your right. I am sure they will get scratched at some point. We are pretty rough on them windshields.

I have no idea of the polish stuff would work.
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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

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Registration date : 2009-02-16

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 4:51 pm

You're not supposed to use Rain-X (the concentrated coating agent), but I think the Rain-X brand orange washer fluid is ok.
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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 4:53 pm

Thanks Matt,

I have been meaning to use rain x on it. Why cant you do it?
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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

Number of posts : 989
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Location : Winston-Salem, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-16

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 5:01 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
Thanks Matt,

I have been meaning to use rain x on it. Why cant you do it?

If you look on Rick's site (EMP) it says on there: "do not use Rain-X". I actually called Rain-X CS or tech support years ago and asked them about using it on lexan or plexi (for my old Rhino) and they said no. I guess it reacts negatively with the polymers. Not sure how resistant the MR-10 coating would be though. I haven't used the orange Rain-X windshield washer fluid on mine, but I've seen plenty who do.

By the way, I don't think you're supposed to use Windex either but it seems to be working for you.
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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 5:04 pm

Well dang....you learn something everyday.

When we stop I always see everyone spraying stuff on their shields. I wonder what you can use.
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Number of posts : 933
Age : 71
Location : Winston Salem, NC</>Hilltop Escape, WV
Registration date : 2010-06-02

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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitimeFebruary 27th 2012, 9:39 pm

All i've been using so far is the airesol can stuff i used on my HD windshield! But the best i thing i think is good ole soap and water !
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PostSubject: Re: EMP flip up windshield   EMP flip up windshield Icon_minitime

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