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Thanks for visiting us! Check out our forum here and on HotRodForums.net. Visit us on www.JBSPerformance.com for ultimate performance parts and accessories for your SXS !!
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide293
BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 2010WVSXSRIDERSSpringRide299
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 BRP Press release today.....6-4-12

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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 7:02 pm

Power Steering; All-new Colour Updates Introduced on Commander 1000 X and Limited Models

Valcourt, Québec, Canada, June 4, 2012 – BRP has enhanced its award-winning Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicle line-up for 2013 with the addition of Dynamic Power Steering (DPS) and two striking colour schemes for both its Commander 1000 X and 1000 Limited packages. The Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicles deliver even more on the Can-Am pledge to produce enthusiast-inspired vehicles with cutting-edge design and meaningful innovation by offering two proven engine options, five overall platforms, including a new DPS package*, and industry-leading versatility.

"The addition of DPS was a logical progression that blends well with our long-standing belief to offer vehicles that appeal to the end user’s brand enthusiasm and also produce the most powerful, capable and comfortable products in the industry,” said Yves Leduc, vice-president and general manager, North America. “The new Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicles with DPS, which continue to lead the industry in terms of overall innovation, appeal, convenience and versatility, have raised industry standards once again and will enable our dealers to better achieve overall customer satisfaction.”

This new Can-Am Commander DPS package* takes the base Commander and adds the Dynamic Power Steering system with Visco-Lok QE (quicker engaging), and 27-inch (68.5-cm) Maxxis Bighorn 2.0 tires on 14-inch (35.5-cm) cast aluminum wheels. Returning for 2013 are the XT and LIMITED packages as well, adding such features like a 4,000-pound (1,814-kg) WARN winch, half-windshield, premium wheels and tires and an entertainment system with integrated Garmin touchscreen GPS.

BRP offers two Rotax V-Twin EFI engines (800R or 1000), which give a key ingredient to the Can-Am Commander formula: power. It is, however, the consumer-friendly features like the exclusive Dual-Level cargo box, comfortable seats and ample room for two adult passengers that complete the overall package.

"Delivering a vehicle for the global market can be a challenge, but BRP meets this challenge head on with a revised Commander line-up that improves upon the Can-Am philosophy of ‘The Ride Says It All’,” said Chris Dawson, vice-president and general manager, International
Ski-Doo Lynx Sea-Doo Evinrude Johnson Rotax Can-Am division. “With the addition of DPS to the vehicle, it makes the Can-Am Commander side-by- side vehicle even more the versatile choice in the market for the consumer.”

Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP), a privately held company, is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution and marketing of motorised recreational vehicles. Its portfolio of brands and products includes: Ski-Doo and Lynx snowmobiles, Sea-Doo watercraft and boats, Evinrude and Johnson outboard engines, Can-Am all-terrain and side-by-side vehicles and roadsters, as well as Rotax engines. BRP products are distributed in more than 100 countries.

Bombardier Recreational Products & Vehicles | BRP USA
*Some models, equipment and accessories may not be available in all countries.
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Great Googly Moogly

Great Googly Moogly

Number of posts : 407
Age : 64
Location : Vienna, Virginia
Registration date : 2011-04-19

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 7:15 pm

Thanks, T-Bone. Sounds like a better Commander, for sure, and Commanders were pretty nice to begin with, but not the rumored "XP killer".
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Number of posts : 773
Age : 44
Location : Elizabeth Wv
Registration date : 2011-02-09

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 7:42 pm

They release picture of the new colors yet
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Number of posts : 354
Age : 49
Location : Hurricane WV
Registration date : 2011-10-02

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 7:45 pm

At least they made the QE standard on the DPS
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 7:48 pm

Great Googly Moogly wrote:
Thanks, T-Bone. Sounds like a better Commander, for sure, and Commanders were pretty nice to begin with, but not the rumored "XP killer".

The XP killer is coming. Heck my commander is def on the XP's tail right now. The killer is coming. I assure you.

My dealership told me to sell my commander now. Im not though. I ike it and just got my doors put on.
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pit dog

pit dog

Number of posts : 4423
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Registration date : 2010-01-28

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 9:23 pm

Heard it was just a pic, not this year.
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Number of posts : 773
Age : 44
Location : Elizabeth Wv
Registration date : 2011-02-09

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 4th 2012, 10:11 pm

Where is the pictures?

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Number of posts : 5230
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Registration date : 2009-02-11

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2012, 8:32 am

Good Post --- Keep us posted
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Great Googly Moogly

Great Googly Moogly

Number of posts : 407
Age : 64
Location : Vienna, Virginia
Registration date : 2011-04-19

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2012, 9:15 am

TBONE21 wrote:
Great Googly Moogly wrote:
Thanks, T-Bone. Sounds like a better Commander, for sure, and Commanders were pretty nice to begin with, but not the rumored "XP killer".

The XP killer is coming. Heck my commander is def on the XP's tail right now. The killer is coming. I assure you.

My dealership told me to sell my commander now. Im not though. I ike it and just got my doors put on.

Cool - it'll be interesting to see what BRP comes up with to go head-to-head with the XP's strong points. I assume the "XP killer" will have a beefed up suspension and higher ground clearance. In early 2011 when I was just staring to consider upgrading from my '09 Teryx I was, for a while, torn between the Commander and the XP. If BRP can make a machine that has the comfort and utility of the Commander and the suspension of the XP, they'll really have something.
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Number of posts : 297
Age : 48
Location : Walker WV
Registration date : 2011-09-01

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2012, 10:22 am

They are really missing the boat with no 4 seater, or pure sport model
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2012, 3:43 pm

I didnt know if you guys noticed but the commander X this year will be carbon solid black. That will look pretty hott.

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 2013_c10
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Number of posts : 6335
Age : 58
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2010-08-15

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2012, 3:54 pm

It needs something....some kinda BLING BLING to break up all that black...I like the black but maybe if it had different wheels or something it wouldn't look so blaaa.
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Number of posts : 773
Age : 44
Location : Elizabeth Wv
Registration date : 2011-02-09

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2012, 8:52 pm

Black is sweet. But......................it's gonna show every little scratch!
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 5th 2012, 9:45 pm

Boy u guys sure are racist!! BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 921734
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Number of posts : 712
Age : 51
Location : Hillsboro, Ohio
Registration date : 2009-05-31

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2012, 7:15 am

TBONE21 wrote:
I didnt know if you guys noticed but the commander X this year will be carbon solid black. That will look pretty hott.

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 2013_c10

That thing will be NO FUN to ride in during the Summer. Do they offer an enclosed cab with A/C? lol!
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2012, 1:24 pm

Purn1973 wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
I didnt know if you guys noticed but the commander X this year will be carbon solid black. That will look pretty hott.

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 2013_c10

That thing will be NO FUN to ride in during the Summer. Do they offer an enclosed cab with A/C? lol!

There ya go Purn!! Pickin on a black machine! You never said that about the Black RZR S! BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 495894 BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 474532
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Number of posts : 246
Location : Winston Salem, NC
Registration date : 2011-08-01

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2012, 1:47 pm

A brown stripe would have really set if off!!!!!!
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Number of posts : 196
Age : 44
Location : Kimball WV
Registration date : 2012-03-04

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 6th 2012, 7:30 pm

i like it
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Number of posts : 712
Age : 51
Location : Hillsboro, Ohio
Registration date : 2009-05-31

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 7:14 am

TBONE21 wrote:
Purn1973 wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
I didnt know if you guys noticed but the commander X this year will be carbon solid black. That will look pretty hott.

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 2013_c10

That thing will be NO FUN to ride in during the Summer. Do they offer an enclosed cab with A/C? lol!

There ya go Purn!! Pickin on a black machine! You never said that about the Black RZR S!

The WHITE machine down the block put me up to it......
BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 495894 BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 495894 lol!
BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 495894 BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 474532

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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

Number of posts : 989
Age : 56
Location : Winston-Salem, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-16

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 10:21 am

TBONE21 wrote:
Power Steering; All-new Colour Updates Introduced on Commander 1000 X and Limited Models

Valcourt, Québec, Canada, June 4, 2012 – BRP has enhanced its award-winning Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicle line-up for 2013 with the addition of Dynamic Power Steering (DPS) and two striking colour schemes for both its Commander 1000 X and 1000 Limited packages. The Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicles deliver even more on the Can-Am pledge to produce enthusiast-inspired vehicles with cutting-edge design and meaningful innovation by offering two proven engine options, five overall platforms, including a new DPS package*, and industry-leading versatility.

"The addition of DPS was a logical progression that blends well with our long-standing belief to offer vehicles that appeal to the end user’s brand enthusiasm and also produce the most powerful, capable and comfortable products in the industry,” said Yves Leduc, vice-president and general manager, North America. “The new Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicles with DPS, which continue to lead the industry in terms of overall innovation, appeal, convenience and versatility, have raised industry standards once again and will enable our dealers to better achieve overall customer satisfaction.”

This new Can-Am Commander DPS package* takes the base Commander and adds the Dynamic Power Steering system with Visco-Lok QE (quicker engaging), and 27-inch (68.5-cm) Maxxis Bighorn 2.0 tires on 14-inch (35.5-cm) cast aluminum wheels. Returning for 2013 are the XT and LIMITED packages as well, adding such features like a 4,000-pound (1,814-kg) WARN winch, half-windshield, premium wheels and tires and an entertainment system with integrated Garmin touchscreen GPS.

BRP offers two Rotax V-Twin EFI engines (800R or 1000), which give a key ingredient to the Can-Am Commander formula: power. It is, however, the consumer-friendly features like the exclusive Dual-Level cargo box, comfortable seats and ample room for two adult passengers that complete the overall package.

"Delivering a vehicle for the global market can be a challenge, but BRP meets this challenge head on with a revised Commander line-up that improves upon the Can-Am philosophy of ‘The Ride Says It All’,” said Chris Dawson, vice-president and general manager, International
Ski-Doo Lynx Sea-Doo Evinrude Johnson Rotax Can-Am division. “With the addition of DPS to the vehicle, it makes the Can-Am Commander side-by- side vehicle even more the versatile choice in the market for the consumer.”

Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP), a privately held company, is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution and marketing of motorised recreational vehicles. Its portfolio of brands and products includes: Ski-Doo and Lynx snowmobiles, Sea-Doo watercraft and boats, Evinrude and Johnson outboard engines, Can-Am all-terrain and side-by-side vehicles and roadsters, as well as Rotax engines. BRP products are distributed in more than 100 countries.

Bombardier Recreational Products & Vehicles | BRP USA
*Some models, equipment and accessories may not be available in all countries.

Still putting 2.0's on them....... BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 376308

Other than that, sounds like nice additions!
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 12:23 pm

Tiger Rag wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
Power Steering; All-new Colour Updates Introduced on Commander 1000 X and Limited Models

Valcourt, Québec, Canada, June 4, 2012 – BRP has enhanced its award-winning Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicle line-up for 2013 with the addition of Dynamic Power Steering (DPS) and two striking colour schemes for both its Commander 1000 X and 1000 Limited packages. The Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicles deliver even more on the Can-Am pledge to produce enthusiast-inspired vehicles with cutting-edge design and meaningful innovation by offering two proven engine options, five overall platforms, including a new DPS package*, and industry-leading versatility.

"The addition of DPS was a logical progression that blends well with our long-standing belief to offer vehicles that appeal to the end user’s brand enthusiasm and also produce the most powerful, capable and comfortable products in the industry,” said Yves Leduc, vice-president and general manager, North America. “The new Can-Am Commander side-by-side vehicles with DPS, which continue to lead the industry in terms of overall innovation, appeal, convenience and versatility, have raised industry standards once again and will enable our dealers to better achieve overall customer satisfaction.”

This new Can-Am Commander DPS package* takes the base Commander and adds the Dynamic Power Steering system with Visco-Lok QE (quicker engaging), and 27-inch (68.5-cm) Maxxis Bighorn 2.0 tires on 14-inch (35.5-cm) cast aluminum wheels. Returning for 2013 are the XT and LIMITED packages as well, adding such features like a 4,000-pound (1,814-kg) WARN winch, half-windshield, premium wheels and tires and an entertainment system with integrated Garmin touchscreen GPS.

BRP offers two Rotax V-Twin EFI engines (800R or 1000), which give a key ingredient to the Can-Am Commander formula: power. It is, however, the consumer-friendly features like the exclusive Dual-Level cargo box, comfortable seats and ample room for two adult passengers that complete the overall package.

"Delivering a vehicle for the global market can be a challenge, but BRP meets this challenge head on with a revised Commander line-up that improves upon the Can-Am philosophy of ‘The Ride Says It All’,” said Chris Dawson, vice-president and general manager, International
Ski-Doo Lynx Sea-Doo Evinrude Johnson Rotax Can-Am division. “With the addition of DPS to the vehicle, it makes the Can-Am Commander side-by- side vehicle even more the versatile choice in the market for the consumer.”

Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP), a privately held company, is a world leader in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution and marketing of motorised recreational vehicles. Its portfolio of brands and products includes: Ski-Doo and Lynx snowmobiles, Sea-Doo watercraft and boats, Evinrude and Johnson outboard engines, Can-Am all-terrain and side-by-side vehicles and roadsters, as well as Rotax engines. BRP products are distributed in more than 100 countries.

Bombardier Recreational Products & Vehicles | BRP USA
*Some models, equipment and accessories may not be available in all countries.

Still putting 2.0's on them....... BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 376308

Other than that, sounds like nice additions!

Hey now.....my 2.0's have not given me any trouble. Now my XP Big Horns on the other hand have gone down a couple of times or two.

These are facts................
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
Registration date : 2010-05-21

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 1:33 pm

My 2.0's are junk. Don't know how much lighter the Can Am is than the T4, but they really should have put a more substantial tire under it. I think I am going with the new 12 ply Moapa's on DWT Diablo Beadlocks. Should be good to go then!
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 1:36 pm

I have always heard the 2.0's are junk but I swear to the Lord....and knocking on wood that I have never had a flat on a 2.0. I have had issues on regular big horns though. A regular bighorn has stranded me on the trail twice. If I ever buy another set of tires I am going to try something different like the Moapa's or rip saws.
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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

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Registration date : 2009-02-16

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 7:35 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
I have always heard the 2.0's are junk but I swear to the Lord....and knocking on wood that I have never had a flat on a 2.0. I have had issues on regular big horns though. A regular bighorn has stranded me on the trail twice. If I ever buy another set of tires I am going to try something different like the Moapa's or rip saws.

I guess your panzermander won't go fast enough to rip down a 2.0..... BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 474532 lol!

Goodness knows everyone else that has had those tires has. Been on multiple rides with folks tearing them down.

Actually one other guy I ride with hasn't torn one down on his Commander but he is being pretty careful in the rocks, etc and not driving terribly fast.
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 9:17 pm

Tiger Rag wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
I have always heard the 2.0's are junk but I swear to the Lord....and knocking on wood that I have never had a flat on a 2.0. I have had issues on regular big horns though. A regular bighorn has stranded me on the trail twice. If I ever buy another set of tires I am going to try something different like the Moapa's or rip saws.

I guess your panzermander won't go fast enough to rip down a 2.0..... BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 474532 lol!

Goodness knows everyone else that has had those tires has. Been on multiple rides with folks tearing them down.

Actually one other guy I ride with hasn't torn one down on his Commander but he is being pretty careful in the rocks, etc and not driving terribly fast.

Well thats shocking....my commander is faster than my XP. thumbs up
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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

Number of posts : 989
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Location : Winston-Salem, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-16

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 7th 2012, 10:47 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
Tiger Rag wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
I have always heard the 2.0's are junk but I swear to the Lord....and knocking on wood that I have never had a flat on a 2.0. I have had issues on regular big horns though. A regular bighorn has stranded me on the trail twice. If I ever buy another set of tires I am going to try something different like the Moapa's or rip saws.

I guess your panzermander won't go fast enough to rip down a 2.0..... BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 474532 lol!

Goodness knows everyone else that has had those tires has. Been on multiple rides with folks tearing them down.

Actually one other guy I ride with hasn't torn one down on his Commander but he is being pretty careful in the rocks, etc and not driving terribly fast.

Well thats shocking....my commander is faster than my XP. thumbs up

Look out for those lightning bolts! I see storm clouds brewing on the radar over your house.
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Number of posts : 4683
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2012, 2:26 am

I can't believe I just wasted the last 5 minutes of my life reading this crap. The Commander is a great machine, but this is not what I was expecting to read after hearing all this XP killer garbage.

It's going to take more than a better front diff, and power steering to compete in the pure sport market. They better get busy quick. After everyone who wants a xp or a wildcat buys one, they won't care what Can-Am comes out with. At least not for the next 5000 miles, or 4 years anyway.

But, then again, Can-Am didn't say the Commander was a racecar. Tbone did.
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Number of posts : 496
Age : 54
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Registration date : 2010-12-16

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2012, 7:57 am

BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 495894 BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 495894 BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 495894 lol!
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Number of posts : 4150
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2012, 9:48 am

Well, it's good to be back and I see nothing has changed. ROFL lol!
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Number of posts : 297
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitimeJune 8th 2012, 11:02 am

I thought I read that the new 2.0 bighorns are going to be six ply, I beat the heck out of mine, blew them off the rim a couple times, but never cut one down
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BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: BRP Press release today.....6-4-12   BRP Press release today.....6-4-12 Icon_minitime

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