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PostSubject: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2012, 5:29 pm

I have just released a new Map "WV ATV Trails 4.0"

Added the Pocahontas Trails.

Added the trails between Twin Falls State Park and Mullens.

Specially color coded the Outlaw trail from Hilltop to Pocahontas Trail 16.

Added and updated a lot of Burning Rock trails.

Updated several HM trails.

Added POI's, Beer Can Alley, Drinking Tree, Dinosaur Lake, and others.

The link is below:
WV ATV Trails 4.0
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Number of posts : 282
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2012, 5:58 pm

Thanks a lot for your maps. You've been a great help to me and a whole lot of us who ride up there around the Wagon Wheel area. You Rock
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Number of posts : 224
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeJune 9th 2012, 10:41 pm

Thank you now if I can figure out how to load all this in the gps
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 12:41 am

Thanks this will be very helpful for us out of staters
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Number of posts : 282
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 7:25 pm

Just to let you guys know, that there are more trails than whats on those maps. These maps help out those who are getting into riding the Outlaw trails and or want to ride something other than the Hatfield trails. I've used BobTs maps for over a year now and they are great. You will realize that there are lots of untracked trails inside of the trails that he's got tracked on his maps. So get out there and explore! Its endless up there.
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Number of posts : 4150
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Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 8:10 pm

nice work. thanks for sharing.
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Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 8:45 pm

Cool deal! Thanks for sharing!
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Number of posts : 555
Location : Akron, Ohio
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 8:57 pm

martywalker wrote:
Thank you now if I can figure out how to load all this in the gps

Same boat here. Have the GPS & the maps but couldn't figure out how to get those 2 & myself on the same page....
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Number of posts : 293
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 23rd 2012, 11:28 pm

Below is a link to gpsfiledepot's Tutorials on Garmins software and Loading maps onto your GPS unit.

GPS Tutorials
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Tiger Rag

Tiger Rag

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Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 11:56 am

Thanks Bob!

I think Bob goes back and delete's trails that either have a dead end or are on Posted property. Bob could probably elaborate, but I know he edit's his maps before he publishes them.
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 1:01 pm

Yes, I do a lot of editing and cleaning up of tracks. I delete all double backs, stops, segments less than 10 ft, etc. There are more tracks that could be added but at some point it becomes too cluttered. For those of you who don't have a Garmin GPSr I will post up instrucions on how to use my maps on an Android phone. Works pretty darn well.
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Number of posts : 1273
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 1:39 pm

You the Man Bob T
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Number of posts : 952
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2012, 2:13 pm

Using them on my phone would be awesome! Save me from buying a new gps
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
Registration date : 2010-05-21

Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 9:46 am

Any idea if these will load onto a lower Nuvi model? I have a 255w. I know alot of guys run the 500. This would keep me from buying a new GPS too. Thanks in advance!
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Number of posts : 12045
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 9:55 am

BobT wrote:
Yes, I do a lot of editing and cleaning up of tracks. I delete all double backs, stops, segments less than 10 ft, etc. There are more tracks that could be added but at some point it becomes too cluttered. For those of you who don't have a Garmin GPSr I will post up instrucions on how to use my maps on an Android phone. Works pretty darn well.
Have you got the instructions ready for the andoid phones yet..( I lost my nuvi500 last year)
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Number of posts : 1005
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 10:44 am

I'm wait the android maps also.. Thanks Released a new WV ATV Trails Map 770746
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Number of posts : 2840
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 11:47 am

mrwvsportsman wrote:
Any idea if these will load onto a lower Nuvi model? I have a 255w. I know alot of guys run the 500. This would keep me from buying a new GPS too. Thanks in advance!

Yes they will bud. I did it a while back on one.
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
Registration date : 2010-05-21

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 11:49 am

Sweet! Thanks man!
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 11:49 am

The Android App is Orux Maps. The big advantage of this
App over other GPS Apps is that it is the only one that you can put a Garmin
Map image on. I suggest you download the manual and skim it at least. This appears to be the most powerful App available and it is free. I did donate however.

If you read the manual you will see how flexible it is using various online and
offline maps. The big advantage is that is can use a Garmin .img file. Not sure
how the topo’s and other maps would show up but by my ATV Trails maps show up
great. They are all the same color and there are no dashed trails since these
properties are not stored in the .img file.

The link to the App is below.

Link to OruxMaps

You connect your phone to your PC and install the Garmin .img file in the
folder oruxmaps/mapfiles/ (it may be on the phone or the SD card) I set mine up
as oruxmaps/mapfiles/ATV Maps/”.img files go here”

Once installed you select the map by touching the Offline Maps button on the
main screen.

For those of you who don't have a Garming GPSr this will work great I think. I
have only played with it a little and it seems to be a very powerful App.

Below is a link to where you can download the images that I have made for WV
ATV Trails, Moab, Paiute Trails, and Taylor Park.

Link to ATV Map Images
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Number of posts : 1149
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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 1:18 pm

Does this actually work with the cell phone in wv since there is basically no phone service
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 1:24 pm

Yes, it should work. The lack of cell service is why this App and others allow you to cache (download) maps onto you cell phone. This is what the "Offline Maps" is for. Even though the phone service does not work your GPS still works since it is receiving its signal from the GPS satellites and not cell towers. Some older phones may need the cell service to work since the cell tower tells the GPS generally where you are so it knows what satellites to look for.
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Number of posts : 443
Location : Rock Cave, WV
Registration date : 2010-05-21

Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 1:36 pm

Bob, you don't have any Bergoo maps do you?

I wish I could just download Hump's brain to my gps.Released a new WV ATV Trails Map 922754
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Empty
PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 7th 2013, 1:43 pm

No, I have never ridden Bergoo and no one who has seems to have tracks or will share them. I do have a lot for East Lynn and I think I have a lot of the new HM Ivy Branch system. I will be riding both of those at the end of March and will release a new map with those trails on it.
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Number of posts : 290
Age : 59
Location : leasburg,N.C
Registration date : 2013-01-23

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 18th 2013, 10:46 pm

BobT, would you please give me a call concerning your maps and down loads.Would have pm you but being new here,and not enough posts it would not let me.cell 336-908-7676 call any time am local.
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Number of posts : 63
Location : Kings Mountain, N.C.
Registration date : 2012-05-27

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2013, 1:00 am

I just bought a nuvi 500, I was having trouble getting it to work with mapsource and windows, etc.
Windows was out of date, gps software out of date...somewhere along the way I got ready to fix it all with a sledge hammer. Calmed down and ate dinner and started looking at map info on gps and it showed I somehow loaded wv 4.0 maps on it, will this work?
I was updating my wifes nuvi 1300 and when done I clicked on mapuploader and loaded the wv 4.0 maps on it too, will they work on it too?
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2013, 10:02 am

Yes, it will work on both. You should go into the one of the setting, I think it is Navigation or Setting and change the Navigation type to Off Road. This will prevent the GPS from showing you on a nearby road if one is close by. If you notice the NUVI will always show you on the road and in the correct lane, they are not that accurate so to compensate when in driving mode they have a feature called "jump to road" where it will show you on the road.
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Number of posts : 63
Location : Kings Mountain, N.C.
Registration date : 2012-05-27

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2013, 12:33 pm

Thanks Bobt, ready to try it out now...Thanks for all the hard work you do for all of us to enjoy.
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Number of posts : 248
Location : Linconton NC
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2013, 12:51 pm

What is the best gps to get for the area and your maps
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Number of posts : 293
Location : Jamestown, NC
Registration date : 2010-01-31

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 23rd 2013, 1:16 pm

That is a very difficult question to answer but here goes. If you just want to see trail maps and know where you are where you want to go along with the ability to have a track to follow back out I would recommend any of the Nuvi's.

A lot of people use the Nuvi 500 since it is water proof, however it has a smaller screen. I know a lot of people who are getting the 5" Nuvi's for the bigger screen. If you have it inside a SxS I don't think weather is an issue. You can always but it in an Otter Box for water proofing. Bigger screen is definitely better IMO.

The best is without a doubt the Garmin Montana. You can get the Montana 600 for around $450. They also have a 650 and 650T which have built in Topo map and a camera. Not to hurt anyone feelings who bought one of the 650's I would not buy one, I have a 600. The Topo is Garmin's 100k you can get much much better Topo's for free on the internet. The guy's I know that have the camera do not use it. I would get a stand alone camera that can be used anywhere. Just my .02 cents.
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Number of posts : 248
Location : Linconton NC
Registration date : 2011-09-26

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PostSubject: Re: Released a new WV ATV Trails Map   Released a new WV ATV Trails Map Icon_minitimeFebruary 24th 2013, 2:17 am

Thanks for the information.
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