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 It might be time for a new topend

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Bobby D
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Number of posts : 574
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Registration date : 2009-02-24

It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2009, 6:06 pm

according to my dealer the excessive oil use of 1 qt /180 miles might have put me over the threshold.

I told him if it was to be rebuilt I'm getting the DFR cannister and they can put in on to avoid any warranty issues. Seems like the DFR cannister, 09 boot and the new air vent between the seats is the fix.

Hopefully I will have my baby back soon - he said two weeks we shall see
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2009, 6:41 pm

Dang that sucks No
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Number of posts : 1849
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2009, 7:32 pm

Man that just sucks , I really want a RZR but these issues make me wonder . I really see no need in the 800 which keeps failing when the 700 did not have these issues , scrap the 800 and put the 850 in the rzr and the 700 back in the sportsman .
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Jeff M

Jeff M

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2009, 7:34 pm

That does suck but i hope you get it straightened out It might be time for a new topend 387450
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeApril 28th 2009, 10:15 pm

wow, yeah that does suck. do you only have 180 miles total?
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeApril 29th 2009, 11:02 am

over 900 miles, we rode a little over 180 miles last weekend and I burned a quart of oil. Throttle Plate is dark brown -makes me sick
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2009, 6:12 pm

Finally confirmed, apparently was worse than I thought- 1 cylinder had 18% leak down the other was at 30%. The valve seats were grooved.

New cylinder, rings, head, valves and valv seats. under warranty =yeah!

Purchased 2009 boot, Dragonfire airbox and Holzt airbox intake + clutch seal cover

Hopefully this will solve the issue once and for all.
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2009, 6:41 pm

Wow man. Glad they covered it all under warranty though! You shouldn't have any trouble now.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2009, 8:16 pm

Good luck Chris, I hope you have no more problems Ride
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Number of posts : 2775
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2009, 9:54 pm

its going to run like a champ when you get it back
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Jeff M

Jeff M

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2009, 9:58 pm

I hope it all works out for ya with the new setup your gettin. thumbs up
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Number of posts : 1849
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It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 18th 2009, 11:25 pm

No better time than now to change the Cams , new Valves and Rings to break them into , just a suggestion .
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Number of posts : 574
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2009, 10:15 am

I just want to ride, was hoping to get some riding in this weekend but it doesn't look good.

Will I have to do a break in period again or can I ride it like i stole it?

Got the idea for the Dragonfire, boot and new air intake from Bobby D and GETERDUN -that is why I like this site so much
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Number of posts : 2775
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It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2009, 10:27 am

INDRZR wrote:

Will I have to do a break in period again or can I ride it like i stole it?

That is the way I break in everything I own!
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Randy R

Randy R

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2009, 5:45 pm

Snorkle it. Get the air intake up into some clean air!
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Bobby D

Bobby D

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It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2009, 5:52 pm

Randy R wrote:
Snorkle it. Get the air intake up into some clean air!

That's what Simoniz did from day one and his lasted about 2,200 miles.Mark correct me if I'm wrong if it was another cause to yours using oil scratch
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Jeff M

Jeff M

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Location : Moneta Va
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It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2009, 5:54 pm

neuromax wrote:
INDRZR wrote:

Will I have to do a break in period again or can I ride it like i stole it?

That is the way I break in everything I own!
Run the Hell out of it Ride It might be time for a new topend 988103
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Number of posts : 796
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It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2009, 6:45 pm

neuromax wrote:
INDRZR wrote:

Will I have to do a break in period again or can I ride it like i stole it?

That is the way I break in everything I own!

+1 on that, heat it up and cool it down a few times, then run it hard.
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Randy R

Randy R

Number of posts : 775
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 19th 2009, 6:51 pm

his lasted about 2,200 miles

That's pretty good for a Popo isn't it??? ROFL
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Number of posts : 574
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeMay 20th 2009, 10:02 am

Dragonfire, 2009 boot and Holz air intake (bigger between the seats) should hopefully solve the dust problem once and for all.

The mechanic said based on the tests and grooves in the valves it should have run much rougher, but was only noticeable when you stomped on it.
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Number of posts : 574
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2009, 10:00 am

How long does this normally take ? My baby is still in the shop, missed riding all of May. Ride
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Bobby D

Bobby D

Number of posts : 14579
Location : Blacksburg,Va
Registration date : 2009-02-08

It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2009, 11:01 am

The hold up is usually one part being on back order from my experience.To do the actual work it only takes about 4 hours max.
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Number of posts : 574
Age : 57
Location : Indianapolis, IN
Registration date : 2009-02-24

It might be time for a new topend Empty
PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2009, 5:36 pm

Woot just got the word they are putting her back together- now I have to find the time to ride
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Bobby D

Bobby D

Number of posts : 14579
Location : Blacksburg,Va
Registration date : 2009-02-08

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2009, 6:34 pm

INDRZR wrote:
Woot just got the word they are putting her back together- now I have to find the time to ride

Yahoo! Ride :163:
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Number of posts : 796
Age : 44
Location : Charleston, WV
Registration date : 2009-03-05

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2009, 6:46 pm

Good Deal man. :163: I hope it runs great!
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Jeff M

Jeff M

Number of posts : 1777
Location : Moneta Va
Registration date : 2009-02-16

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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitimeJune 2nd 2009, 8:43 pm

When you get it back head on up to WV i'll meet you there and we can :163: thumbs up
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PostSubject: Re: It might be time for a new topend   It might be time for a new topend Icon_minitime

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