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Thanks for visiting us! Check out our forum here and on HotRodForums.net. Visit us on www.JBSPerformance.com for ultimate performance parts and accessories for your SXS !!
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 5:50 pm

I know I am going to shoot myself for putting this up.........all the Commander Visco QE 911262 is going to fly but here goes.

I post this for the Commander owners.........

You can now get your Commander updated with the Visco lock QE. We currently have just Visco lock. The QE stands for quick engaging.

This will def help if you dont like yor 4wd system. I plan to have Performance East do the QE to my Commander and I will report in when it is done.

Below are some videos showing with and without.


With QE
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Number of posts : 4150
Age : 73
Location : Canal Winchester Ohio 43110
Registration date : 2011-04-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 5:56 pm

Commander Visco QE 332799 ok, no one say anything. just leave tbone alone. he is close to coming over to the good side and buying an XP. lets not alieniate the young man.

Commander Visco QE 922754 Commander Visco QE 306167 Commander Visco QE 213618 Tbone.Commander Visco QE 174417 for the can am guys.
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:00 pm

nah you better let Ray Ray out of his cage. He may have a heart attack trying to hold it in.

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Number of posts : 712
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:01 pm

Jetdriverx wrote:
Commander Visco QE 332799 ok, no one say anything. just leave tbone alone. he is close to coming over to the good side and buying an XP. lets not alieniate the young man.

Commander Visco QE 922754 Commander Visco QE 306167 Commander Visco QE 213618 Tbone.Commander Visco QE 174417 for the can am guys.

Congrats ROFL
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:02 pm

Oh and even if I get an XP the Commander X will still be the house special! It will still be the machine to beat. Believe me.......if I get an XP the FIRST thing I plan to buy is an extended warranty!
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Number of posts : 6335
Age : 59
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2010-08-15

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:07 pm

Great news T-bone....I may have to trade the rzr in on a commander now....woooo hooo...Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:09 pm

rayray wrote:
Great news T-bone....I may have to trade the rzr in on a commander now....woooo hooo...Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395

Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412
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Number of posts : 6335
Age : 59
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2010-08-15

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:11 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
rayray wrote:
Great news T-bone....I may have to trade the rzr in on a commander now....woooo hooo...Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395

Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412

WAY TOO MUCH INFO....Commander Visco QE 723617
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Number of posts : 4150
Age : 73
Location : Canal Winchester Ohio 43110
Registration date : 2011-04-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:11 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
Oh and even if I get an XP the Commander X will still be the house special! It will still be the machine to beat. Believe me.......if I get an XP the FIRST thing I plan to buy is an extended warranty!

tbone, generally the house special is what they couldnt sell last week. ya know what i mean?????

Commander Visco QE 944472 Commander Visco QE 913576 ladies and gentleman, drum roll please. "THE HOUSE SPECIAL" -----------------------------------------> Commander Visco QE 2453113174
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:12 pm


Ok then.....how about...."The biggest bat in the bag??"
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Number of posts : 4150
Age : 73
Location : Canal Winchester Ohio 43110
Registration date : 2011-04-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:17 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
Commander Visco QE 16928 Commander Visco QE 16928 Commander Visco QE 16928

Ok then.....how about...."The biggest bat in the bag??"

thats a little better tbone.Commander Visco QE 36628
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Number of posts : 6335
Age : 59
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2010-08-15

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:20 pm

Jetdriverx wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
Oh and even if I get an XP the Commander X will still be the house special! It will still be the machine to beat. Believe me.......if I get an XP the FIRST thing I plan to buy is an extended warranty!

tbone, generally the house special is what they couldnt sell last week. ya know what i mean?????

Commander Visco QE 944472 Commander Visco QE 913576 ladies and gentleman, drum roll please. "THE HOUSE SPECIAL" -----------------------------------------> Commander Visco QE 2453113174

DAMMIT BOY!!!!Commander Visco QE 474532 Commander Visco QE 474532 Commander Visco QE 474532 Commander Visco QE 474532 Commander Visco QE 474532 Commander Visco QE 474532
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:23 pm

Where is Ray Rya's babysitter??? He is getting outta control again!
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Number of posts : 4150
Age : 73
Location : Canal Winchester Ohio 43110
Registration date : 2011-04-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 6:33 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
Where is Ray Rya's babysitter??? He is getting outta control again!

nope, never mind. for once im just gonna shut up!
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Number of posts : 12045
Age : 71
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2009-08-29

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 8:20 pm

rayray wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
rayray wrote:
Great news T-bone....I may have to trade the rzr in on a commander now....woooo hooo...Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395 Commander Visco QE 131395

Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412 Commander Visco QE 781412

WAY TOO MUCH INFO....Commander Visco QE 723617
Dang...I think he really did pee his pants... Commander Visco QE 568845
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Number of posts : 12045
Age : 71
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2009-08-29

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 8:25 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
Oh and even if I get an XP the Commander X will still be the house special! It will still be the machine to beat. Believe me.......if I get an XP the FIRST thing I plan to buy is an extended warranty!
your a smart man Tbone...
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Number of posts : 12045
Age : 71
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2009-08-29

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 8:25 pm

Jetdriverx wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
Where is Ray Rya's babysitter??? He is getting outta control again!

nope, never mind. for once im just gonna shut up!
Commander Visco QE 568845
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Number of posts : 12045
Age : 71
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2009-08-29

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 8:31 pm

TBONE21 wrote:
I know I am going to shoot myself for putting this up.........all the Commander Visco QE 911262 is going to fly but here goes.

I post this for the Commander owners.........

You can now get your Commander updated with the Visco lock QE. We currently have just Visco lock. The QE stands for quick engaging.

This will def help if you dont like yor 4wd system. I plan to have Performance East do the QE to my Commander and I will report in when it is done.

Below are some videos showing with and without.


With QE
I don't know how to tell you this Tbone...but them rollers ain't nothing like mud....it might help going over a log...how much is this gonna set you back...
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Number of posts : 297
Age : 48
Location : Walker WV
Registration date : 2011-09-01

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2011, 11:28 pm

every one on the commander forums that has it says it makes a world difference.let me know if it helps. Tbone did you see the videos onthe commander forum of the commander spanking the xp in drag raceing.
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Number of posts : 1712
Age : 53
Location : Statesville, N.C.
Registration date : 2010-08-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 12:28 am

They never had to do any thing like this for the Rhino!!!! They just had to add doors!!
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Number of posts : 6335
Age : 59
Location : statesville,nc
Registration date : 2010-08-15

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 12:31 am

Carolinarhino wrote:
They never had to do any thing like this for the Rhino!!!! They just had to add doors!!

Tractors are made tough....THAT'S THE TRUTH!!
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Number of posts : 1712
Age : 53
Location : Statesville, N.C.
Registration date : 2010-08-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 12:42 am

rayray wrote:
Carolinarhino wrote:
They never had to do any thing like this for the Rhino!!!! They just had to add doors!!

Tractors are made tough....THAT'S THE TRUTH!!

Thats true!!! It's ok RayRay...Just admit you still regret selling your tractor!!! It's OK you can confess it all to Sheriff/Preist Bubba!! Go ahead and tell the truth!!ROFL
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Number of posts : 4683
Age : 46
Location : Richwood, WV
Registration date : 2009-03-08

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 4:16 am

How does the Canned Ham Crisco Lock work? Is it a clutch style limmited slip like in a car/truck or what?

Where is the video of this new diff vs the competition? That will tell if it's really worth looking into. Nothing beats the true locker of the Yamahas and Kawis, only thing missing on those machines is more suspension travel.
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Randy R

Randy R

Number of posts : 775
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Location : Pinnacle, NC
Registration date : 2009-02-14

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 7:17 am

The QE was originally reserved only for power steering machines. Before installing the QE I would question the steering impact. My understanding is it makes manually steering much harder to turn.

The Visco-Loc works by temp change of fluid causing the diff "clutch" to engage. I believe Subaru's vehicles work the same. I have had Can-am ATV's for 6 years and my newest has the QE. Both take me the same places and get stuck just as often. My experience on WVSxSRider rides is that mud is mostly avoided. Rzr riders generally don't like a dirty rear and stay out of the mud. I'm pretty much the same way and would not care about this upgrade to the QE. The regular Visco works good once you realize you gotta hit the throttle -- quick spinning makes it engage harder.

What is the price to upgrade on an existing machine? I would guess $500 at least.
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Number of posts : 1712
Age : 53
Location : Statesville, N.C.
Registration date : 2010-08-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 12:21 pm

Yamabeast wrote:
How does the Canned Ham Crisco Lock work? Is it a clutch style limmited slip like in a car/truck or what?

Where is the video of this new diff vs the competition? That will tell if it's really worth looking into. Nothing beats the true locker of the Yamahas and Kawis, only thing missing on those machines is more suspension travel.

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Number of posts : 4150
Age : 73
Location : Canal Winchester Ohio 43110
Registration date : 2011-04-19

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 6:37 pm

Commander Visco QE 121644
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 7:49 pm

As far as pricing goes, I will talk to Travis about it. I would think it wouldn't hurt steering if the 4wd is not engaged.
It is a simple procedure. It just takes time taking the front diff out and installing the qe into it.
When I get more info I will report in.
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Bobby D

Bobby D

Number of posts : 14579
Location : Blacksburg,Va
Registration date : 2009-02-08

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 8:47 pm

Jetdriverx wrote:
TBONE21 wrote:
Oh and even if I get an XP the Commander X will still be the house special! It will still be the machine to beat. Believe me.......if I get an XP the FIRST thing I plan to buy is an extended warranty!

tbone, generally the house special is what they couldnt sell last week. ya know what i mean?????

Commander Visco QE 944472 Commander Visco QE 913576 ladies and gentleman, drum roll please. "THE HOUSE SPECIAL" -----------------------------------------> Commander Visco QE 2453113174

Commander Visco QE 707285
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Number of posts : 2063
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Registration date : 2009-05-11

Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2011, 9:45 pm

Carolinarhino wrote:
rayray wrote:
Carolinarhino wrote:
They never had to do any thing like this for the Rhino!!!! They just had to add doors!!

Tractors are made tough....THAT'S THE TRUTH!!

Thats true!!! It's ok RayRay...Just admit you still regret selling your tractor!!! It's OK you can confess it all to Sheriff/Preist Bubba!! Go ahead and tell the truth!!Commander Visco QE 474532
Commander Visco QE 474532 Commander Visco QE 474532
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Number of posts : 354
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitimeOctober 24th 2011, 8:28 pm

The list price for the QE parts is $720
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Commander Visco QE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Commander Visco QE   Commander Visco QE Icon_minitime

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Commander Visco QE
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